====================================================================== F I N A L C A L L F O R E X P E R I E N C E R E P O R T S ----------------------------------------------------------------- ***** SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE JUNE 5 1998 ***** SIGAda '98 (formerly Tri-Ada) Ada in Context ACM SIGAda Annual International Conference OMNI SHOREHAM HOTEL WASHINGTON, DC, USA, NOVEMBER 8-12, 1998 SPONSORED BY ACM SIGADA, IN COOPERATION WITH: SIGAPP, SIGBIO, SIGCAS, SIGCSE, SIGPLAN, SIGSOFT, DC SIGADA, BALTIMORE SIGADA, and ADA-EUROPE. http://www.acm.org/sigada/conf/sa98 _________________________________________________________________ The ACM Special Interest Group on Ada (SIGAda) is dedicated to the technical, business and educational issues related to the Ada programming language. SIGAda '98, the successor to the annual Tri-Ada exposition, will be this year's largest Ada-focused conference and is being organized to attract participants from all segments of the software engineering community. The SIGAda '98 conference proceedings will be published as an issue of Ada Letters. This year we are hoping to increase significantly the participation of educators and students in the conference, both as authors and conference registrants. Ada features a proven track record in large-scale system development and full support for object orientation, and facilitates writing portable source programs. Ada's support for sound software engineering is bringing the language increased attention in computing education and across a broad range of application areas in government and industry. Ada's unique ability to interface with software written in other languages makes it a viable candidate for developing systems in a multi-language environment. Current Ada projects span a spectrum that encompasses finance, the Internet, and the Java Virtual Machine, complementing the language's traditional context of hard real-time, embedded systems in defense, space, industrial process control, medical applications, commercial aviation, and ground transportation. _________________________________________________________________ The Conference Theme We are soliciting conference contributions on the theme "Ada in Context", pertinent to Ada or of general interest to the Ada community, from authors inside and outside this community, in industry, government, research, and education. Topics may include, but are not limited to, Ada in the context of * the Internet, the Web, and the National Information Infrastructure * safety-critical and high-integrity applications * multilanguage programming (e.g., Ada and Java or C++ in collaboration) * defense and non-defense applications * object technology * undergraduate, graduate, and secondary-school computing education * pure and applied research * software engineering practice * the spectrum of programming languages and historical trends * reengineering and maintenance of legacy systems * making reuse real * hybrid technology and COTS systems * process improvement and the Capability Maturity Model * software quality management * the tension between better/cheaper/faster and reality * the tradeoff between short-term gains and long-term quality __________________________________________________________________________ EXPERIENCE REPORTS Experience reports present timely results on the success or failure of the application of Ada in real-world projects. Such reports will be selected on the basis of the interest of the experience presented to the community of Ada practitioners. You are invited to submit a 1-2 page description of the project and the key points of interest of project experiences. Descriptions may be published in the final program or proceedings, but a paper will not be required. _________________________________________________________________ Conference Grants for Educators As in past years, SIGAda is offering grants to educators to attend the conference. Grants cover the registration and tutorial fees; travel funds are not available. More details on the grant program are available at http://www.acm.org/sigada/conf/sa98/grants.html. _________________________________________________________________ HOW TO SUBMIT To facilitate electronic distribution to referees, kindly follow these rules for submission. We prefer submission in the form of an ASCII or PostScript file; other formats may be accepted, by prior arrangement with the Program Chair. Please deposit your contribution by anonymous ftp to ftp://ftp.seas.gwu.edu/incoming/sigada98, and send a confirming e-mail message to the Program Chair,Prof. Michael B. Feldman, The George Washington University mfeldman@seas.gwu.edu Please be sure to write "SIGAda 98 submission" on the subject line of the message. Please indicate the title of the submission and the names and affiliations of authors. Identify one author as a point of contact and provide an e-mail address, postal address, phone number and fax number for this author. Please indicate whether a similar report on this work has been submitted elsewhere. _________________________________________________________________ KEY DATES * Friday, June 5, 1998: deadline for submission of experience reports * Monday, June 29, 1998: authors notified of acceptance * Friday, August 14, 1998: deadline for final versions of papers and experience reports * November 8-12, 1998: SIGAda '98: + November 8-9: Tutorials + November 10-12: Conference _________________________________________________________________ Conference Officers * Ed Seidewitz, General Co-Chair DHR Technologies (seidewitz@acm.org) * Bill Thomas, General Co-Chair MITRE (bthomas@mitre.org) * Michael Feldman, Program Chair The George Washington University (mfeldman@seas.gwu.edu) * Ben Brosgol, Exhibits Chair, Aonix (brosgol@aonix.com) * Currie Colket, SIGAda Vice Chair for Meetings and Conferences (colket@acm.org) * David Cook, Tutorial Chair C.S. Draper Laboratory (cookd@software.hill.af.mil) * David Harrison, Publicity Chair Harris Technical Services Corp. (dharrison@acm.org) * Hal Hart, Conference Treasurer TRW (hal.hart@acm.org) * Alok Srivastava, Workshops Chair TRW (alok.srivastava@trw.com) _________________________________________________________________ Program Committee will include * Elizabeth Adams, Richard Stockton College * Ted Baker, Florida State University * Brad Balfour, Objective Interface Systems * Shan Barkataki, California State University, Northridge * John Beidler, University of Scranton * Jim Briggs, University of Portsmouth * Deborah Cerino, Rome Laboratory * Norman Cohen, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center * David Cook, C.S. Draper Laboratory * James Cross, Auburn University * Jerry van Dijk, Ordina Finance BV * Dennis Frailey, Raytheon and Southern Methodist University * Maretta Holden, Boeing * James Hopper, SAIC * Judy Kerner, Aerospace Corporation * Robert Leif, AdaMed * Karlotto Mangold, ATM Computer GmbH * John McCormick, University of Northern Iowa * Allen Parrish, University of Alabama * Jean-Pierre Rosen, Adalog * Erhard Ploedereder, University of Stuttgart * Frances van Scoy, West Virginia University * Edmond Schonberg, Ada Core Technologies and New York University * Jag Sodhi, U.S. Army * Alok Srivastava, TRW * Alfred Strohmeier, University of Lausanne * S. Tucker Taft, Intermetrics * Joyce L. Tokar, DDC-I * Debora Weber-Wulff, Technische Fachhochschule Berlin * David Wood, Aonix * Anna Yu, North Carolina A&T University _________________________________________________________________ Information on Exhibiting The SIGAda conference, like its Tri-Ada predecessors, includes a large and well-attended vendor exhibition. For specific information on reserving exhibit space, please contact the Exhibits Chair, Dr. Ben Brosgol Tel: +1 781 221 7317 Fax: +1 781 270 6882 Email: brosgol@aonix.com