Greetings, Oh Ada Wizards of the Ether! We have a customer who wishes to reuse their existing GUI, expressed in UIL, with their application software that they are rewriting in Ada 95. By way of support, I am attempting to translate the hello_world.c program on page 778 of O'Reilly's Motif Programming Manual, Volume 6A into Ada 95 using the Ada 95 Xlib bindings. Now, I profess to know Ada 95, and have done a bit of X and Motif programming (in Ada, no less), but seem to be having problems implementing this particular example. So, I have attached my poor attempt to this message in the hopes that some kindly soul will point out my not-to-obvious errors. I will repost the solution to the net when it's done for anyone else to use. Thanks (Ducking my head to avoid the flame-throwers!) -- -------------------------------------------------------------- - John J. Cupak Jr, CCP - - Raytheon Systems Company - Software Engineering Laboratory - - tel: 978-858-1222 email (work): - - fax: 978-858-4336 email (home): - --------------------------------------------------------------