with Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO; package body Screen.Cursor is procedure Up (By : in Positive := 1) is begin Put(CSI);Put(By,0);Put("A"); end Up; procedure Down (By : in Positive := 1) is begin Put(CSI);Put(By,0);Put("B"); end Down; procedure Right(By : in Positive := 1) is begin Put(CSI);Put(By,0);Put("C"); end Right; procedure Left (By : in Positive := 1) is begin Put(CSI);Put(By,0);Put("D"); end Left; procedure Position(Column : in Columns; Row : in Rows ) is begin Put(Item => CSI); Put(Item => Row, Width => 0); Put(Item => ';'); Put(Item => Column, Width => 0); Put(Item => 'H'); end Position; procedure Home is begin Put(CSI & "H"); end Home; end Screen.Cursor;