AGBOH CHARLES wrote: > > hi > > I am a student in cs. I would like some very good examples of oo programming in > Ada. I have seen dales page. I need something from easy to complicated and > some examples on tasks and oo programming. > > charles You might check the following book, which can be ordered on-line at (this Thomson is not related to the Aonix Thomson, by the way). Sample programs are available on the web page of the author,at Object-Oriented Software in Ada 95 M A Smith, Department of Computing, University of Brighton, UK Published by International Thomson Computer Press paper � 1997 ISBN/ISSN: 1-85032-185-X Price: US $32.95 Price: UK �21.95 -- Dave Wood -- Product Manager, ObjectAda for Windows -- Aonix - "Ada with an Attitude"