S�bastien Auclair wrote: >I'd like to know if their's anyone who could explain me why my >"ObjectAda for Windows V7.0.232 from Aonix" doesn't seems to function >properly. > >--I just can't access any "Edith - Delete" functions. >--My "Copy & past" fitures produce strange character apearances. >--ETC > >If anyone does have the same problems with their compiler please send me >some Q about what could be causing those bugs. After 6 months of use, I've never experienced this problem. I have scanned our problem report database and have found no reports of such a problem. I would recommend that you contact your local customer support office or send a report to adasupport@aonix.com. My guess is that you have some broken DLL from another tool that is causing side effects within ObjectAda. We have had a couple of cases where bad DLLs from Microsoft have caused odd behavior within ObjectAda, though not specifically what you describe. >Is there any other Ada 95 compiler available to work with. Absolutely not. >Thanks in advance... Je vous en prie. -- Dave Wood -- Product Manager, ObjectAda for Windows -- Aonix - "Ada with an Attitude"