Hi! I'm a sworn FORTRAN-programmer finally trying to learn a more advanced language (ADA). Now, I still have lots of fortran subroutines that I want to use, but somehow all the information on how to do that in GNAT (3.05 I think) doesn't seem to apply to me... :( I've attached two files to this message: amain.adb is a very simple main program that calls subsum.f (an even more simple fortran subroutine). Now, HOW CAN I MAKE THE ADA MAIN PROGRAM TO SEE THE SUBROUTINE???!!! Here's what I've done (This is under OS/2 with g77, gcc 2.7... and emx 0.9c): - gcc -c amain.adb (no complaints) - g77 -c subsum.f (no complaints) - gnatbind amain.ali (no complaints) - gnatlink amain.ali subsum.o which results in 'cannot find object _subsum etc.... So can please someone help a poor astronomer on a way from fortran to ADA....or otherwise I'll stick to fortran for another Hubble-time...... Cheers, Pasi