I am using vxWorks version 5.1.1 with VADSWorks 3.0.0c. The target hardware is a DY4 SVME162 with an SMAX 220 Ethernet/SCSI daughter card. This board has 4 meg of FLASH programable PROM and 8 meg of memory. Just added significant code to the Ada application. We are building an Absolute image to be downloaded, but were stopped at the first (relocatable) link (see error below). This work for a smaller version of the application, but I don't see how to control the regions during this phase of the link. ld68k -o tmp.o -X -r -M \ sysALib.o sysLib.o tyCoDrv.o shaDriver.o if_ips.o if_tecs.o if_sn.o if_cs220.o ncr5390Lib.o cs220_util.o ec_ram_main.o usrConfig.o version.o /lor/VADS040/vxworks/lib/libMC68040gnudrv.a /lor/VADS040/vxworks/lib/libMC68040gnuvx.a ec_ram_main.o:.data relocation address out of range .data (.data) (0009ffdc) Paul McDonald AEL/Sanders TACJAM team mcdonald@awcg.com