Subject: TOOLS USA '96 Advance Program (Technology of Object-Oriented Languages & Systems) Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 18:42:20 -0800 From: Cynthia Garcia Organization: Interactive Software Engineering Inc. Newsgroups: comp.object,comp.lang.eiffel,comp.lang.c++,comp.lang.smalltalk,,comp.lang.python,comp.object.logic,comp.sw.components,comp.object.dat Mark your calendar for the upcoming TOOLS USA '96 and associated Symposium on Teaching Object Technology conferences in Santa Barbara, California from July 29- August 2nd this summer. This year's special focus is on Objects and the Internet. Included below you will find: + TOOLS USA Advance Program and Registration Form + STOT (Symposium on Teaching Object Technology) call for papers - there's still time to submit a presentation! Deadline is March 31, 1996. Regards, -- Cynthia Garcia, TOOLS USA '96 Conference Coordinator 270 Storke Rd, Suite 7, Santa Barbara, CA 93117 USA Phone (805)685-1006, Fax (805)685-6869 , Web: ---- TOOLS USA '96 Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems TWENTIETH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION Santa Barbara, California, July 29 - August 2, 1996 ADVANCE PROGRAM Program Chair: Raimund Ege, Florida International University Panel and Workshop Chair: Madhu Singh, Bellcore Conference Chair: Bertrand Meyer, ISE TUTORIAL PROGRAM - July 29 - August 30 ====================================== Each tutorial is a half-day, unless otherwise designated. You may select a maximum of four to attend over the two-day tutorial period. Analysis & Design Track ----------------------- OPEN: A Third Generation OO Methodology Professor B. Henderson-Sellers, Swineburne Univ. of Technology The tutorial will describe the collaborative OPEN methodology, which combines the best of MOSES, SOMA, Martin/Odell and BON with significant influences from several other methodologies such as OOram, RDD and OBA; as well as the formal OO language, Object-Z. In this presentation, the overall architecture of OPEN will be described and highlights of the more advanced techniques included. BRIAN HENDERSON-SELLERS is Professor of Computer Science at Swineburne University of Technology in Australia. He is author of four best-selling books on object technology. The Unified Modeling Language Robert John Hathaway III, Editor, Object Currents The UML (arch. Unified Method) is an important new development in object methodology of relevance to all. This presentation will examine: (1) the latest OML standard: metamodels, models, and notation; (2) its use through several examples; (3) evaluation by the most modern standards of use; (4) comparison with other methods and efforts. Participants will learn how to apply the UML within and to their development process and will explore effective use of its advanced capabilities and potential. Attendees are expected to have some knowledge of object methodology, especially Booch, OMT, or OOSE. BOB HATHAWAY is Editor In Chief of the "Object Currents" Hypertext Journal, and CEO of Cyberdyne Systems. He has a decade of experience in object technology including languages, compilers, and methods (Booch and OMT). The Business Object Notation: OO Analysis & Design for Large-scale systems Jean-Marc Nerson, SOL, France Software reuse on a broad scale is generally recognized as the major potential of object technology. The B.O.N. method is focused on two software development principles, which play crucial roles in attaining this goal. The tutorial shows how the method avoid impedance mismatches and uses a small case study is used to explain the basic concepts and systematic tasks of the B.O.N. development process. JEAN-MARC NERSON is Managing Director of Societe des Outils du Logiciel (Paris) and consults on large scale O-O projects worldwide with Fortune 500 companies. He co-authored with Kim Walden ``Seamless O-O Software Architecture: The Analysis & Design of Reliable Systems' (Prentice-Hall, 1995) The Firesmith Method Donald Firesmith, Knowledge Systems Corporation This tutorial presents the Firesmith Method, a fourth generation object-oriented development method intended for the development of large complex applications. This tutorial covers basic concepts, modeling techniques, and the development process. Future directions in terms of the Unified Method and the OMEGA/OPEN Method Standard will also be addressed. DONALD FIRESMITH is author of "Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis: A Software Engineering Approach" (1993) and "Testing Object-Oriented Software" (4th quarter 1996), coauthor of "The Dictionary of Object Technology" (1995), editor of two anthologies on OO testing (1996-1997), and is a senior technical staff member at Knowledge Systems Corporation. Reuse ----- An in-depth Look at Reusability Dr. Bertrand Meyer, ISE, USA Drawing on the experience of thousands of widely reused classes, this presentation will explain the issues, both managerial and technical, that must be addressed for a successful reuse policy. It will review what managers must do to promote reuse in their organization, and describe the technical tools that are necessary to produce large numbers of high-quality reusable components. The technical part of the presentation will be based on the Eiffel approach to reusability and reliability. Attendees will be presented with a number of examples of good (and bad) reusable library design. BERTRAND MEYER is president of ISE Inc. (Santa Barbara), editor of two book series (Prentice Hall's Object-Oriented Series and Addison-Wesley's ``Eiffel in Practice''), chairman of the TOOLS conferences (Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems) and associate member of the applications section of the French Academy of Sciences. He is the author of many books including two available in Japanese (``Object-Oriented Software Construction'', ``Introduction to the Theory of Programming Languages''), ``Object Success'' (a presentation of object technology for managers), ``Eiffel: The Language'', and ``Reusable Software'' (on the tutorial's topics). The Impact of Reuse on an Information Age Economy Brad Cox, George Mason University, USA This tutorial addresses one of the most perplexing questions of the often-touted transitions to software engineering via reusable software components (Software-ICs) in the small, and to an information age economy in the large. Now that object technologies ranging from object-oriented programming languages to graphical user interfaces to the world wide web have made it technically feasible to manufacture objects made of bits, what does it mean to buy, sell and own them? BRAD COX is the author of "Object-Oriented Programming: An Evolutionary Approach" and the originator of the Objective-C programming language. He is a faculty member at George Mason University (Program for Social and Organizational Learning), and founder of the Coalition for Electronic Markets. Object-Oriented Software Composition Oscar Nierstrasz, University of Berne, Switzerland Object-oriented languages and methods support the development of applications from standard software architectures and generic software components as defined by so-called "frameworks", or abstract class hierarchies. Although object-oriented techniques to a large extent support application development from components, it is not generally possible to construct applications merely by composing software components. In this tutorial we will survey compositional software technology, and we will identify some of the current limitations and open problems. OSCAR NIERSTRASZ is Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Computer Science of the University of Berne, where he leads a research group in Software Composition. He has served on the program committees of many conferences including ECOOP and OOPSLA, and as the program Chair of ECOOP '93. Encapsulation and Class Interface Specification Raimund Ege, Florida International University, USA The tutorial illustrates how encapsulation is supported during software development by analysis and design methodologies and object-oriented programming languages. The major programming languages, such as Eiffel, C++, Smalltalk, and Java are evaluated and compared with regard to their support of encapsulation control and ease of establishing reusable components. RAIMUND EGE is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Florida International University, Miami. He is author of "Programming in an Object-Oriented Environment" (Academic Press, 1992) and "Object-Oriented Programming with C++" (Academic Press, 1994). He is currently the program chairman of the TOOLS USA conference. Internet, distribution, concurrency ----------------------------------- From C++ to Advanced Java in One Day (Full Day) Desmond D'Souza, ICON Computing, USA This tutorial will enable developers to effectively and efficiently make the transition from C++ to Java, within the framework of a solid object-oriented design paradigm. Covering key differences between the languages as well as between corresponding design approaches, it will illustrate these differences with a series of examples. DESMOND D'SOUZA is the president of ICON Computing, Inc. and a member of the faculty at the Software Quality Institute at the University of Texas at Austin. He has worked with object technology since 1985. He is the author of the Education and Training column in the Journal of Object-Oriented Programming and in Report on Object Analysis and Design. Effective utilization of CORBA technology Alan Noble, Schlumberger, USA This tutorial presents an overview of the CORBA architecture and its components and describes the steps required to develop a CORBA application, using specific examples in C++. This tutorial will be beneficial to both software developers and managers seeking to learn more about CORBA and acquire practical knowledge of how to build CORBA applications. Knowledge of C++ will be helpful, though not required. ALAN NOBLE is a software engineering specialist with Schlumberger in San Jose, California. He has over 10 years experience developing and managing software projects on Unix and Microsoft Windows systems. He has been developing distributed object-oriented applications since 1986 and has been deploying CORBA applications since 1993. Object-Oriented Distributed Computing Mohamed Fayad, University of Nevada This tutorial focuses on object-oriented distributed system developments (OODS), and examines the advancements in distributed systems arena: client/server, the collaborative computing based on peer-to-peer networks, and enabling technologies, such as OO software engineering, OO distributed operating system technology, and application technologies. OLE/COM, CORBA, SOM/DSOM, DEC Object Broker, and other approaches will be discussed, supported by case studies and "lessons learned". MOHAMED FAYAD is Associate Professor at University of Nevada, a CACM Associate Editor, Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Computer Society Press Practices Board in Computer Science & Engineering. O-O methods ----------- Testing Object-Oriented Software Donald Firesmith This tutorial presents the basic issues involving object- oriented testing including encapsulation, inheritance, message passing, common bugs in object-oriented software, the object- oriented development cycle, and OOPL differences regarding testing. This tutorial also presents PLOOT, the Pattern Language for Object-Oriented Testing, which includes 27 patterns covering class/cluster testing, testing techniques, test case form and location, test infrastructure, acceptance testing, and the testing process. DONALD FIRESMITH is author of "Object-Oriented Requirements Analysis: A Software Engineering Approach" (1993) and "Testing Object-Oriented Software" (4th quarter 1996), coauthor of "The Dictionary of Object Technology" (1995), editor of two anthologies on OO testing (1996-1997), and is a senior technical staff member at Knowledge Systems Corporation. Application of Design Patterns in Commercial Domains Wolfgang Pree, University of Linz, Austria The tutorial gives an overview of state-of-the-art design patterns approaches, focusing on those that support the development of frameworks. "Hot Spot" cards will be introduced. Case studies illustrate how to apply hot spot cards together with design patterns in commercial application domains including bank-specific systems, reservation systems and point-of-sale systems in retail trade stores. WOLFGANG PREE is an Associate Professor at the University of Linz. He has consulted and taught object-oriented software design and development for numerous companies in Europe and the U.S. Dr Wolfgang Pree's work focuses on the development of domain-specific frameworks. He is the author of ``Design Patterns for Object-Oriented Software Development'' (Addison- Wesley, 1995). Designing sound classes Meilir Page-Jones, Wayland Systems, USA Some specific topics that will be explored in the tutorial are: Coupling and cohesion: are they still relevant?; What interdependencies (connascence) should we look out for in OOD?; The class as a state-space: Subclasses and their invariants; Principles of contravariance and covariance; Principle of closed behavior; Class interfaces: the good, the bad and the ugly; Uses and abuses of inheritance; Demands imposed by reusability. MEILIR PAGE-JONES is president and senior consulting methodologist at Wayland Systems Inc. in Bellevue, WA. He is author of three books: "The Practical Guide to Structured Systems Design", "Practical Project Management", and "What Every Programmer Should Know about Object-Oriented Design". Effective Use of Object Databases Nimish Doshi, Versant Object Technology, USA This tutorial presents a brief history and comparison of past database technologies with current object database technologies. It will go over what is an object database, some terminology, and the features that are available today and what is needed for the future. An example will be given on how the object paradigm is used to solve an object database application problem. Finally, a brief discussion about the ODMG (Object Database Management Group) standards will be presented. The tutorial assumes that the attendees have basic knowledge of OO and database concepts and have had some prior programming experience. NIMISH DOSHI is systems engineer at Versant Object Technology. He previously worked at Bellcore as a software engineer in provisioning systems and computer security, and his research there lead to past TOOLS papers covering object oriented scripting for database access and objects used as communication agents for database access. Applications and Techniques --------------------------- An Introduction to Python Paul F. Dubois, LLNL, USA Python is an object-oriented interpreted language which is small and easy to learn. It is very easy to extend Python with your own compiled code or to embed Python into your own application. Python is very portable, available at no cost, has a large library of user-contributed modules, and an active international user community. Python is particularly useful for Web applications and there are extensive library components in this area. This tutorial will include an introduction to the new array extension which permits near- compiled-speed numerical computations, and basic pointers on how to get started if you want to combine Python with your own C, C++, Fortran, or Eiffel. PAUL DUBOIS is a mathematician at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He is responsible for large projects in Fortran and C++ for the Inertial Confinement Fusion Program. He is author of the EiffelMath Library, and editor of the Scientific Programming Department of Computers in Physics. Spartan C++ Yossi Gil, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel The SPARTAN C++ (Style for fault Prevention and Rigorous Techniques for Attuning and Normalizing C++) methodology was developed at the Software Systems Laboratory in cooperation with software industry. It comprises a set of Spartan C++ coding rules which, without limiting creativity and expressiveness, allows programmers to concentrate on implementation rather than on fault search. Debugging using The presentation also gives guidelines for migration to and adapting implementing SPARTAN C++. YOSSI GIL is an independent consultant the director of the Software Systems Laboratory at the Faculty of Computer Science at the Technion. He has conducted numerous industrial tutorials and course on UNIX internals, C, C++, OOP, OOD and User Interfaces. His current research focuses on software technology and parallel processing. Programming by Contract: Advanced Principles and Specifying Abstract Data Types James C. McKim, Jr., Hartford Graduate Center, USA and Richard Mitchell, University of Brighton, United Kindom In this tutorial we provide a number of Principles for using PBC to rigorously document class interfaces in a way that is accessible to technically oriented software developers. With each Principle we present an example, a justification, and advice about when it might be appropriate to violate the Principle (and how to document such violations). Finally, we will present recent work that shows that many of the classic Abstract Data Types may be specified using these principles and the mechanisms for supporting PBC that are available in Eiffel today. JIM MCKIM has more than twenty years experience teaching mathematics and computer science. He has authored, coauthored and reviewed a number of textbooks and articles in both areas. His research interests include object oriented programming and design in general, and class interface specification in particular. RICHARD MITCHELL is on the Faculty at the University of Brighton. He has been teaching, researching and consulting in the computing field since 1978, specializing in software engineering. For the last 5 years, his work has focussed on object technology. Object Technology for Scientific Programming Paul Dubois, LLNL This tutorial shows how to design reusable scientific software components in object-oriented languages, with an emphasis on the speaker's designs for the EiffelMath Library. Examples are given from both Eiffel and C++ applications. Mixed-language implementation issues and performance issues are discussed. PAUL DUBOIS is a mathematician at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He is responsible for large projects in Fortran and C++ for the Inertial Confinement Fusion Program. He is author of the EiffelMath Library, and editor of the Scientific Programming Department of Computers in Physics. CONFERENCE PROGRAM - July 31 - August 1 ======================================= KEYNOTE PRESENTATIONS --------------------- "Superdistribution: Objects as Property on the Electronic Frontier" Brad Cox, Designer of the Objective-C language Component-based software has the potential of resolving the software crisis. But achieving this potential involves addressing the problems of buying, selling and owning goods made of bits, which don't abide by the conservation of mass laws that have been the underpinnings of commerce since antiquity. This keynote will define the characteristics of component-based development and examine current technology against this goal. "Concurrency: Addressing the needs of reliable, high-performance distributed applications" BERTRAND MEYER, Interactive Software Engineering (USA) How can the object-oriented model cover concurrent programming as effectively as it addresses sequential computation? State-of-the- art thinking will be illustrated through a number of examples borrowed from diverse application areas of concurrency: resource sharing, distribution, locking, real-time applications. Bertrand Meyer, ISE "Is there Software Engineering after Java?" ROGER OSMOND, Amalasoft (currently consulting at EMC Corporation) Java is a runaway locomotive. It seems the world, and not just the programming world, is racing toward Java at a pace unmatched in the brief history of computing. Are software engineering and software engineers going to be the pennies flattened on the tracks of the Java juggernaut? RICHARD WIENER, Editor of Journal of Object-Oriented Programming "Learning OO: Does the choice of language really matter?" TECHNICAL SESSIONS ----------------- Technical sessions will include presentations on: LIBRARIES, FRAMEWORK, PATTERNS USER INTERFACES, TOOLS and ENVIRONMENTS METHODOLOGIES, MODELING and SPECIFICATION PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES and EXPERIENCES DISTRIBUTION and PERFORMANCE PERSISTENCE and SIMULATION DISTRIBUTION & CONCURRENCY DOCUMENTATION & TESTING Paper presentation titles and schedules to be announced. WORKSHOPS --------- "Approaches to Distribution and Concurrency" workshop "Java's place in the world of OT" workshop "Banking and Finance: First-hand experiences with OT" workshop "10 Years of Eiffel: What's in store for the future" full-day conference workshop "Databases: Does one really need an OODB?" workshop "Scaling up" workshop "Methodology Independent CASE" workshop "OT Methodology - Is it Stable Now?" workshop PANELS ====== "Reuse: Is It For Real or a Lip Service" "Is OT Losing Steam?" "Conceptial Schema and Ontolog" "Object Oriented Repository" STOT - SYMPOSIUM ON TEACHING OBJECT TECHNOLOGY - August 2 ========================================================= See call for papers below Advance Registration Form and practical information --------------------------------------------------- Registration fees Before June 30 After June 30 Tutorials only $ 690.00 $ 790.00 (July 29 & July 30) Conference only $ 360.00 $ 420.00 (July 31 & Aug 1) Tutorials and Conference $ 980.00 $ 1,120.00 (July 29-Aug.1) Full Time Faculty (Tutorials only) $ 450.00 $ 500.00 Full Time Faculty (Conference only) $ 250.00 $ 300.00 Full Time Faculty (Conf. & Tutorials) $ 690.00 $ 790.00 Full Time Students (Tutorials only) $ 200.00 $ 250.00 Full Time Students (Conference) $ 120.00 $ 150.00 Full Time Students (Conf. & Tutorials)$ 300.00 $ 350.00 STOT Teaching Symposium $ 150.00 $ 200.00 (August 2) if registered for conf. STOT Teaching Symposium $ 225.00 $ 300.00 (Symposium only) REGULAR AND FACULTY REGISTRATION Prices include; a copy of the tutorial notes for each tutorial attended; a copy of the conference proceedings (for conference attendees); breaks; lunches; beach barbecue on Monday, July 29; conference dinner and event on Wednesday, July 31; and free access to the exhibit. STUDENT REGISTRATION Prices include; a copy of the tutorial notes for each tutorial attended; a copy of the conference proceedings (for conference attendees); breaks; and free access to the exhibit. Tickets for the lunches, beach barbecue, and conference dinner/event may be purchased separately. Payment should be made by check, credit card or international money order to TOOLS Conferences and accompany the registration form. Substitutions will be accepted at any time. Written cancellations received by June 30 will be liable to a 50 percent service fee. After this date there will be no refund. TOOLS USA '96 will be held at the Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort, the most beautiful resort on the south coast, right across from the Santa Barbara beach which offers many recreational opportunities. Rooms are available for conference attendees at the special rates of $120 single/double, $140 triple and $160 quadruple (guaranteed until July 7). For reservations contact: Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort, 633 E. Cabrillo Blvd, Santa Barbara, CA 93103, phone (805) 564-4333 or (800) 879-2929, Fax (805) 962-8198. To benefit from the special rate you must mention that you are attending TOOLS USA 96. Alternative accommodations are available, please contact the Visitor Information (24 hours) 36 State Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, phone (800) 793-7666 (US only), 805-564- 1637, Fax: 805-564-1633. Additional information on Santa Barbara history, activities (festivals, winery tours, scenic drives, etc.) is available: Travel arrangements: Santa Barbara is served by several airline carriers. The airport is less than fifteen minutes from downtown Santa Barbara. Free shuttle service from the airport to the Red Lion is available by calling the Resort upon arrival, at (805) 564-4333. American Airlines, has been selected as TOOLS USA '96 preferred airline carrier for domestic flights. For more information, please contact International Travel of Santa Barbara, Phone (800) 383-2116, Fax (805) 683-2118. TOOLS has selected American Airlines/American Eagle as it's preferred carrier, and you will receive a discount if you mention Star Number S1476MB when making your reservation. I wish to attend (check box): | | Tutorials | | Conference | | Conference & Tutorials | | Symposium on Teaching Object Technology | | Barbecue at the beach ___ extra tickets at $25 each | | Conference Dinner ___ extra tickets at $50 each PAYMENT Tutorials: ________________________________ $ __________________ Conference: _______________________________ $ __________________ Tutorials and Conference __________________ $ __________________ Symposium on Teaching Object Technology __ $ __________________ ___ extra tickets for the Barbecue at $25 each $ __________________ ___ extra tickets for the Dinner at $50 each $ __________________ Total $ __________________ / / Check or International money order / / VISA / / Mastercard / / American Express Card Number _______________________________ Exp. ____________________ Authorized Signature ___________________________________________________________ / / My company is interested in exhibiting. Please send exhibitor's kit by / / e-mail / / fax / / post Name and address Name _______________________________________________________________ Company Name ______________________________________________________________ Company Address ___________________________________________________________ City _______________________________ STATE ____________ ZIP __________ Phone ____________________________ Fax ___________________________ Send payment & registration form to: TOOLS Conferences 270 Storke Road, Suite 7 Goleta, CA 93117, USA Phone: (805) 685-1006 Fax: (805) 685-6869 E-mail: Web ===================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS THIRD INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON TEACHING OBJECT TECHNOLOGY Santa Barbara, Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort, 2 August 1996 (part of the TOOLS USA 96 conference week) The Third Symposium on Teaching Object Technology (STOT3) is a large-scale event to be devoted exclusively to OO education. This symposium will be an opportunity for teachers in academia, training managers in companies and everyone with an interest in object technology to discuss the problems and techniques of teaching this approach under these various and contrasting constraints. This year will have a slightly different format to previous years. Dr. John Pugh will be keynoting the Symposium. In addition, offers of panels and/or workshops are sought to complement the technical paper sessions. Papers are solicited now and should be submitted to the Chairman (see details below) preferably by email in ASCII or plain TeX (i.e. no personal embedded macros) by March 31, 1996. Papers should be submitted as final drafts, equivalent in length to 10-20 double spaced pages. Papers will be refereed by the international technical committee for quality and appropriateness to the conference theme. Notification of acceptance will be given by April 20, 1996 and final camera-ready copies of accepted papers due June 1. A limited distribution of accepted Symposium papers will be made to attendees (i.e. we do not intend a formal "publication" of a conference proceedings beyond those attending). However, papers of sufficiently high quality *will* be considered for inclusion in the Proceedings volume for TOOLS 20. Deadlines summary: ------------------ Submissions due March 31, 1996 Acceptances mailed out April 20, 1996 Final CRC manuscripts due June 1, 1996 Papers to be submitted to: Professor Brian Henderson-Sellers School of Computer Science & Software Engineering Swinburne University of Technology John Street PO Box 218 Hawthorn, Victoria 3122 Australia Tel: +61 (0)3 9214 8524 Fax: +61 (0)3 9819 0823 email: