The Software Program Managers Network (SPMN) has obtained Tom Gilb's agreement to conduct another DC area seminar and workshop and is sponsoring this training FREE OF CHARGE to interested DoD software project managers, their support staff, contractors, and other members of industry and government on the topic of Formal Software Inspections. The training is scheduled from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm each day from February 10-14. A flier with additional information is provided as an attachment and registration/additional information may be obtained by contacting Mr. Mike Borowski or Ms. Donna Daggett at (703) 461-0370, fax (703) 461-8640. Hearing a speaker of Tom Gilb's caliber is a very special opportunity, and rarely available at FREE sessions. Please advertise this event to the fullest extent possible. Thank You. Reagards, Al Selgas 703-602-4493