pragma Ada_2005; pragma Style_Checks (Off); with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with Interfaces.C.Extensions; with Interfaces.C.Strings; with System; package libssh2_h is package time_h is subtype clock_t is long; -- time.h:60 subtype time_t is long; -- time.h:76 subtype clockid_t is int; -- time.h:92 subtype timer_t is System.Address; -- time.h:104 type timespec is record tv_sec : aliased long; -- time.h:122 tv_nsec : aliased long; -- time.h:123 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, timespec); -- time.h:120 end time_h; package bits_stat_h is -- unsupported macro: st_atime st_atim.tv_sec -- unsupported macro: st_mtime st_mtim.tv_sec -- unsupported macro: st_ctime st_ctim.tv_sec UTIME_NOW : constant := ((2 ** 30) - 1); -- bits/stat.h:209 UTIME_OMIT : constant := ((2 ** 30) - 2); -- bits/stat.h:210 type stat_uu_unused_array is array (0 .. 2) of aliased long; type stat is record st_dev : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:48 st_ino : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:53 st_nlink : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:61 st_mode : aliased unsigned; -- bits/stat.h:62 st_uid : aliased unsigned; -- bits/stat.h:64 st_gid : aliased unsigned; -- bits/stat.h:65 uu_pad0 : aliased int; -- bits/stat.h:67 st_rdev : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:69 st_size : aliased long; -- bits/stat.h:74 st_blksize : aliased long; -- bits/stat.h:78 st_blocks : aliased long; -- bits/stat.h:80 st_atim : aliased time_h.timespec; -- bits/stat.h:91 st_mtim : aliased time_h.timespec; -- bits/stat.h:92 st_ctim : aliased time_h.timespec; -- bits/stat.h:93 uu_unused : aliased stat_uu_unused_array; -- bits/stat.h:106 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, stat); -- bits/stat.h:46 type stat64_uu_unused_array is array (0 .. 2) of aliased long; type stat64 is record st_dev : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:121 st_ino : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:123 st_nlink : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:124 st_mode : aliased unsigned; -- bits/stat.h:125 st_uid : aliased unsigned; -- bits/stat.h:132 st_gid : aliased unsigned; -- bits/stat.h:133 uu_pad0 : aliased int; -- bits/stat.h:135 st_rdev : aliased unsigned_long; -- bits/stat.h:136 st_size : aliased long; -- bits/stat.h:137 st_blksize : aliased long; -- bits/stat.h:143 st_blocks : aliased long; -- bits/stat.h:144 st_atim : aliased time_h.timespec; -- bits/stat.h:152 st_mtim : aliased time_h.timespec; -- bits/stat.h:153 st_ctim : aliased time_h.timespec; -- bits/stat.h:154 uu_unused : aliased stat64_uu_unused_array; -- bits/stat.h:167 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, stat64); -- bits/stat.h:119 end bits_stat_h; LIBSSH2_H : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:41 LIBSSH2_COPYRIGHT : aliased constant String := "2004-2010 The libssh2 project and its contributors." & ASCII.NUL; -- libssh2.h:43 LIBSSH2_VERSION : aliased constant String := "1.2.7" & ASCII.NUL; -- libssh2.h:49 LIBSSH2_VERSION_MAJOR : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:53 LIBSSH2_VERSION_MINOR : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:54 LIBSSH2_VERSION_PATCH : constant := 7; -- libssh2.h:55 LIBSSH2_VERSION_NUM : constant := 16#010207#; -- libssh2.h:72 LIBSSH2_TIMESTAMP : aliased constant String := "Tue Aug 17 21:11:33 UTC 2010" & ASCII.NUL; -- libssh2.h:83 -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_SSH_BANNER "SSH-2.0-libssh2_" LIBSSH2_VERSION -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_SSH_DEFAULT_BANNER LIBSSH2_SSH_BANNER -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_SSH_DEFAULT_BANNER_WITH_CRLF LIBSSH2_SSH_DEFAULT_BANNER "\r\n" LIBSSH2_DH_GEX_MINGROUP : constant := 1024; -- libssh2.h:142 LIBSSH2_DH_GEX_OPTGROUP : constant := 1536; -- libssh2.h:143 LIBSSH2_DH_GEX_MAXGROUP : constant := 2048; -- libssh2.h:144 LIBSSH2_TERM_WIDTH : constant := 80; -- libssh2.h:147 LIBSSH2_TERM_HEIGHT : constant := 24; -- libssh2.h:148 LIBSSH2_TERM_WIDTH_PX : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:149 LIBSSH2_TERM_HEIGHT_PX : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:150 LIBSSH2_SOCKET_POLL_UDELAY : constant := 250000; -- libssh2.h:153 LIBSSH2_SOCKET_POLL_MAXLOOPS : constant := 120; -- libssh2.h:155 LIBSSH2_PACKET_MAXCOMP : constant := 32000; -- libssh2.h:159 LIBSSH2_PACKET_MAXDECOMP : constant := 40000; -- libssh2.h:163 LIBSSH2_PACKET_MAXPAYLOAD : constant := 40000; -- libssh2.h:167 -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_ALLOC_FUNC (name) -- void *name(size_t count, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_REALLOC_FUNC (name) -- void *name(void *ptr, size_t count, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_FREE_FUNC (name) -- void name(void *ptr, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_PUBLICKEY_SIGN_FUNC (name) -- int name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, unsigned char **sig, size_t *sig_len, const unsigned char *data, size_t data_len, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE_FUNC (name_) -- void name_(const char* name, int name_len, const char* instruction, int instruction_len, int num_prompts, const LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT* prompts, LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE* responses, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_IGNORE_FUNC (name) -- void name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, const char *message, int message_len, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_DEBUG_FUNC (name) -- void name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, int always_display, const char *message, int message_len, const char *language, int language_len, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_DISCONNECT_FUNC (name) -- void name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, int reason, const char *message, int message_len, const char *language, int language_len, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_PASSWD_CHANGEREQ_FUNC (name) -- void name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, char **newpw, int *newpw_len, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_MACERROR_FUNC (name) -- int name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, const char *packet, int packet_len, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_X11_OPEN_FUNC (name) -- void name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, LIBSSH2_CHANNEL *channel, const char *shost, int sport, void **abstract) -- arg-macro: procedure LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_CLOSE_FUNC (name) -- void name(LIBSSH2_SESSION *session, void **session_abstract, LIBSSH2_CHANNEL *channel, void **channel_abstract) LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_IGNORE : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:232 LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_DEBUG : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:233 LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_DISCONNECT : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:234 LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_MACERROR : constant := 3; -- libssh2.h:235 LIBSSH2_CALLBACK_X11 : constant := 4; -- libssh2.h:236 LIBSSH2_METHOD_KEX : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:239 LIBSSH2_METHOD_HOSTKEY : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:240 LIBSSH2_METHOD_CRYPT_CS : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:241 LIBSSH2_METHOD_CRYPT_SC : constant := 3; -- libssh2.h:242 LIBSSH2_METHOD_MAC_CS : constant := 4; -- libssh2.h:243 LIBSSH2_METHOD_MAC_SC : constant := 5; -- libssh2.h:244 LIBSSH2_METHOD_COMP_CS : constant := 6; -- libssh2.h:245 LIBSSH2_METHOD_COMP_SC : constant := 7; -- libssh2.h:246 LIBSSH2_METHOD_LANG_CS : constant := 8; -- libssh2.h:247 LIBSSH2_METHOD_LANG_SC : constant := 9; -- libssh2.h:248 LIBSSH2_FLAG_SIGPIPE : constant := 16#00000001#; -- libssh2.h:251 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_SOCKET : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:274 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_CHANNEL : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:275 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_LISTENER : constant := 3; -- libssh2.h:276 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLIN : constant := 16#0001#; -- libssh2.h:281 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLPRI : constant := 16#0002#; -- libssh2.h:284 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLEXT : constant := 16#0002#; -- libssh2.h:286 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLOUT : constant := 16#0004#; -- libssh2.h:288 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLERR : constant := 16#0008#; -- libssh2.h:291 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLHUP : constant := 16#0010#; -- libssh2.h:292 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_SESSION_CLOSED : constant := 16#0010#; -- libssh2.h:293 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLNVAL : constant := 16#0020#; -- libssh2.h:294 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_POLLEX : constant := 16#0040#; -- libssh2.h:296 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_CHANNEL_CLOSED : constant := 16#0080#; -- libssh2.h:298 LIBSSH2_POLLFD_LISTENER_CLOSED : constant := 16#0080#; -- libssh2.h:299 LIBSSH2_SESSION_BLOCK_INBOUND : constant := 16#0001#; -- libssh2.h:303 LIBSSH2_SESSION_BLOCK_OUTBOUND : constant := 16#0002#; -- libssh2.h:304 LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_HASH_MD5 : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:307 LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_HASH_SHA1 : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:308 LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_UNKNOWN : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:311 LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_RSA : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:312 LIBSSH2_HOSTKEY_TYPE_DSS : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:313 SSH_DISCONNECT_HOST_NOT_ALLOWED_TO_CONNECT : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:316 SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_ERROR : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:317 SSH_DISCONNECT_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILED : constant := 3; -- libssh2.h:318 SSH_DISCONNECT_RESERVED : constant := 4; -- libssh2.h:319 SSH_DISCONNECT_MAC_ERROR : constant := 5; -- libssh2.h:320 SSH_DISCONNECT_COMPRESSION_ERROR : constant := 6; -- libssh2.h:321 SSH_DISCONNECT_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE : constant := 7; -- libssh2.h:322 SSH_DISCONNECT_PROTOCOL_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED : constant := 8; -- libssh2.h:323 SSH_DISCONNECT_HOST_KEY_NOT_VERIFIABLE : constant := 9; -- libssh2.h:324 SSH_DISCONNECT_CONNECTION_LOST : constant := 10; -- libssh2.h:325 SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION : constant := 11; -- libssh2.h:326 SSH_DISCONNECT_TOO_MANY_CONNECTIONS : constant := 12; -- libssh2.h:327 SSH_DISCONNECT_AUTH_CANCELLED_BY_USER : constant := 13; -- libssh2.h:328 SSH_DISCONNECT_NO_MORE_AUTH_METHODS_AVAILABLE : constant := 14; -- libssh2.h:329 SSH_DISCONNECT_ILLEGAL_USER_NAME : constant := 15; -- libssh2.h:330 LIBSSH2_ERROR_NONE : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:333 LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_NONE : constant := -1; -- libssh2.h:334 LIBSSH2_ERROR_BANNER_NONE : constant := -2; -- libssh2.h:335 LIBSSH2_ERROR_BANNER_SEND : constant := -3; -- libssh2.h:336 LIBSSH2_ERROR_INVALID_MAC : constant := -4; -- libssh2.h:337 LIBSSH2_ERROR_KEX_FAILURE : constant := -5; -- libssh2.h:338 LIBSSH2_ERROR_ALLOC : constant := -6; -- libssh2.h:339 LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_SEND : constant := -7; -- libssh2.h:340 LIBSSH2_ERROR_KEY_EXCHANGE_FAILURE : constant := -8; -- libssh2.h:341 LIBSSH2_ERROR_TIMEOUT : constant := -9; -- libssh2.h:342 LIBSSH2_ERROR_HOSTKEY_INIT : constant := -10; -- libssh2.h:343 LIBSSH2_ERROR_HOSTKEY_SIGN : constant := -11; -- libssh2.h:344 LIBSSH2_ERROR_DECRYPT : constant := -12; -- libssh2.h:345 LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_DISCONNECT : constant := -13; -- libssh2.h:346 LIBSSH2_ERROR_PROTO : constant := -14; -- libssh2.h:347 LIBSSH2_ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED : constant := -15; -- libssh2.h:348 LIBSSH2_ERROR_FILE : constant := -16; -- libssh2.h:349 LIBSSH2_ERROR_METHOD_NONE : constant := -17; -- libssh2.h:350 LIBSSH2_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED : constant := -18; -- libssh2.h:351 -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UNRECOGNIZED LIBSSH2_ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_UNVERIFIED : constant := -19; -- libssh2.h:353 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_OUTOFORDER : constant := -20; -- libssh2.h:354 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_FAILURE : constant := -21; -- libssh2.h:355 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_REQUEST_DENIED : constant := -22; -- libssh2.h:356 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_UNKNOWN : constant := -23; -- libssh2.h:357 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_WINDOW_EXCEEDED : constant := -24; -- libssh2.h:358 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_PACKET_EXCEEDED : constant := -25; -- libssh2.h:359 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_CLOSED : constant := -26; -- libssh2.h:360 LIBSSH2_ERROR_CHANNEL_EOF_SENT : constant := -27; -- libssh2.h:361 LIBSSH2_ERROR_SCP_PROTOCOL : constant := -28; -- libssh2.h:362 LIBSSH2_ERROR_ZLIB : constant := -29; -- libssh2.h:363 LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT : constant := -30; -- libssh2.h:364 LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL : constant := -31; -- libssh2.h:365 LIBSSH2_ERROR_REQUEST_DENIED : constant := -32; -- libssh2.h:366 LIBSSH2_ERROR_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED : constant := -33; -- libssh2.h:367 LIBSSH2_ERROR_INVAL : constant := -34; -- libssh2.h:368 LIBSSH2_ERROR_INVALID_POLL_TYPE : constant := -35; -- libssh2.h:369 LIBSSH2_ERROR_PUBLICKEY_PROTOCOL : constant := -36; -- libssh2.h:370 LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN : constant := -37; -- libssh2.h:371 LIBSSH2_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL : constant := -38; -- libssh2.h:372 LIBSSH2_ERROR_BAD_USE : constant := -39; -- libssh2.h:373 LIBSSH2_ERROR_COMPRESS : constant := -40; -- libssh2.h:374 LIBSSH2_ERROR_OUT_OF_BOUNDARY : constant := -41; -- libssh2.h:375 LIBSSH2_ERROR_AGENT_PROTOCOL : constant := -42; -- libssh2.h:376 LIBSSH2_INIT_NO_CRYPTO : constant := 16#0001#; -- libssh2.h:379 -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_session_init () -- libssh2_session_init_ex(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_session_disconnect (session, descrilibssh2_session_disconnect_ex((session), SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION, (description), "") -- libssh2_session_disconnect_ex((session), SSH_DISCONNECT_BY_APPLICATION, (description), "") -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_userauth_password (session, usernalibssh2_userauth_password_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (password), strlen(password), NULL) -- libssh2_userauth_password_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (password), strlen(password), NULL) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile (session, usernalibssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (publickey), (privatekey), (passphrase)) -- libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (publickey), (privatekey), (passphrase)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile (session, usernalibssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (publickey), (privatekey), (passphrase), (hostname), strlen(hostname), (username), strlen(username)) -- libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (publickey), (privatekey), (passphrase), (hostname), strlen(hostname), (username), strlen(username)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive (session, usernalibssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (response_callback)) -- libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex((session), (username), strlen(username), (response_callback)) LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT : constant := 65536; -- libssh2.h:529 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_PACKET_DEFAULT : constant := 32768; -- libssh2.h:530 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_MINADJUST : constant := 1024; -- libssh2.h:531 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_NORMAL : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:534 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_IGNORE : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:535 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_MERGE : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:536 SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:538 -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2CHANNEL_EAGAIN LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_open_session (session) -- libssh2_channel_open_ex((session), "session", sizeof("session") - 1, LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_WINDOW_DEFAULT, LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_PACKET_DEFAULT, NULL, 0) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip (session, host, libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex((session), (host), (port), "", 22) -- libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex((session), (host), (port), "", 22) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_forward_listen (session, port) -- libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex((session), NULL, (port), NULL, 16) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_setenv (channel, varnamlibssh2_channel_setenv_ex((channel), (varname), strlen(varname), (value), strlen(value)) -- libssh2_channel_setenv_ex((channel), (varname), strlen(varname), (value), strlen(value)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_request_pty (channel, term) -- libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex((channel), (term), strlen(term), NULL, 0, LIBSSH2_TERM_WIDTH, LIBSSH2_TERM_HEIGHT, LIBSSH2_TERM_WIDTH_PX, LIBSSH2_TERM_HEIGHT_PX) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_request_pty_size (channel, width,libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex( (channel), (width), (height), 0, 0) -- libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex( (channel), (width), (height), 0, 0) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_x11_req (channel, screenlibssh2_channel_x11_req_ex((channel), 0, NULL, NULL, (screen_number)) -- libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex((channel), 0, NULL, NULL, (screen_number)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_shell (channel) -- libssh2_channel_process_startup((channel), "shell", sizeof("shell") - 1, NULL, 0) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_exec (channel, commanlibssh2_channel_process_startup((channel), "exec", sizeof("exec") - 1, (command), strlen(command)) -- libssh2_channel_process_startup((channel), "exec", sizeof("exec") - 1, (command), strlen(command)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_subsystem (channel, subsyslibssh2_channel_process_startup((channel), "subsystem", sizeof("subsystem") - 1, (subsystem), strlen(subsystem)) -- libssh2_channel_process_startup((channel), "subsystem", sizeof("subsystem") - 1, (subsystem), strlen(subsystem)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_read (channel, buf, blibssh2_channel_read_ex((channel), 0, (buf), (buflen)) -- libssh2_channel_read_ex((channel), 0, (buf), (buflen)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_read_stderr (channel, buf, blibssh2_channel_read_ex((channel), SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, (buf), (buflen)) -- libssh2_channel_read_ex((channel), SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, (buf), (buflen)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_window_read (channel) -- libssh2_channel_window_read_ex((channel), NULL, NULL) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_write (channel, buf, blibssh2_channel_write_ex((channel), 0, (buf), (buflen)) -- libssh2_channel_write_ex((channel), 0, (buf), (buflen)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_write_stderr (channel, buf, blibssh2_channel_write_ex((channel), SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, (buf), (buflen)) -- libssh2_channel_write_ex((channel), SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR, (buf), (buflen)) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_window_write (channel) -- libssh2_channel_window_write_ex((channel), NULL) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_ignore_extended_data (channel, ignorelibssh2_channel_handle_extended_data((channel), (ignore) ? LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_IGNORE : LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_NORMAL ) -- libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data((channel), (ignore) ? LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_IGNORE : LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_EXTENDED_DATA_NORMAL ) LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_FLUSH_EXTENDED_DATA : constant := -1; -- libssh2.h:696 LIBSSH2_CHANNEL_FLUSH_ALL : constant := -2; -- libssh2.h:697 -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_flush (channel) -- libssh2_channel_flush_ex((channel), 0) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_channel_flush_stderr (channel) -- libssh2_channel_flush_ex((channel), SSH_EXTENDED_DATA_STDERR) -- arg-macro: procedure libssh2_scp_send (session, path, libssh2_scp_send_ex((session), (path), (mode), (size), 0, 0) -- libssh2_scp_send_ex((session), (path), (mode), (size), 0, 0) HAVE_LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_API : constant := 16#010101#; -- libssh2.h:733 HAVE_LIBSSH2_VERSION_API : constant := 16#010100#; -- libssh2.h:734 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_MASK : constant := 16#ffff#; -- libssh2.h:776 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_PLAIN : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:777 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_SHA1 : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:778 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_TYPE_CUSTOM : constant := 3; -- libssh2.h:779 -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEYENC_MASK (3<<16) LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEYENC_RAW : constant := (2**16); -- libssh2.h:783 -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEYENC_BASE64 (2<<16) -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_MASK (3<<18) LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_SHIFT : constant := 18; -- libssh2.h:788 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_RSA1 : constant := (2**18); -- libssh2.h:789 -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_SSHRSA (2<<18) -- unsupported macro: LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_KEY_SSHDSS (3<<18) LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_MATCH : constant := 0; -- libssh2.h:854 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_MISMATCH : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:855 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_NOTFOUND : constant := 2; -- libssh2.h:856 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_CHECK_FAILURE : constant := 3; -- libssh2.h:857 LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOST_FILE_OPENSSH : constant := 1; -- libssh2.h:917 HAVE_LIBSSH2_AGENT_API : constant := 16#010202#; -- libssh2.h:972 LIBSSH2_TRACE_TRANS : constant := (2**1); -- libssh2.h:1093 LIBSSH2_TRACE_KEX : constant := (2**2); -- libssh2.h:1094 LIBSSH2_TRACE_AUTH : constant := (2**3); -- libssh2.h:1095 LIBSSH2_TRACE_CONN : constant := (2**4); -- libssh2.h:1096 LIBSSH2_TRACE_SCP : constant := (2**5); -- libssh2.h:1097 LIBSSH2_TRACE_SFTP : constant := (2**6); -- libssh2.h:1098 LIBSSH2_TRACE_ERROR : constant := (2**7); -- libssh2.h:1099 LIBSSH2_TRACE_PUBLICKEY : constant := (2**8); -- libssh2.h:1100 LIBSSH2_TRACE_SOCKET : constant := (2**9); -- libssh2.h:1101 subtype libssh2_uint64_t is Extensions.unsigned_long_long; -- libssh2.h:130 subtype libssh2_int64_t is Long_Long_Integer; -- libssh2.h:131 type u_LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT is record text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:177 length : aliased unsigned; -- libssh2.h:178 echo : aliased unsigned_char; -- libssh2.h:179 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, u_LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT); -- libssh2.h:175 subtype LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT is u_LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_PROMPT; type u_LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE is record text : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:184 length : aliased unsigned; -- libssh2.h:185 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, u_LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE); -- libssh2.h:182 subtype LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE is u_LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE; -- skipped empty struct u_LIBSSH2_SESSION -- skipped empty struct LIBSSH2_SESSION -- skipped empty struct u_LIBSSH2_CHANNEL -- skipped empty struct LIBSSH2_CHANNEL -- skipped empty struct u_LIBSSH2_LISTENER -- skipped empty struct LIBSSH2_LISTENER -- skipped empty struct u_LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS -- skipped empty struct LIBSSH2_KNOWNHOSTS -- skipped empty struct u_LIBSSH2_AGENT -- skipped empty struct LIBSSH2_AGENT type anon_14 (discr : unsigned := 0) is record case discr is when 0 => socket : aliased int; -- libssh2.h:263 when 1 => channel : System.Address; -- libssh2.h:264 when others => listener : System.Address; -- libssh2.h:265 end case; end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, anon_14); pragma Unchecked_Union (anon_14); type u_LIBSSH2_POLLFD is record c_type : aliased unsigned_char; -- libssh2.h:260 fd : anon_14; -- libssh2.h:267 events : aliased unsigned_long; -- libssh2.h:269 revents : aliased unsigned_long; -- libssh2.h:270 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, u_LIBSSH2_POLLFD); -- libssh2.h:259 subtype LIBSSH2_POLLFD is u_LIBSSH2_POLLFD; function libssh2_init (flags : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:395 pragma Import (C, libssh2_init, "libssh2_init"); procedure libssh2_exit; -- libssh2.h:402 pragma Import (C, libssh2_exit, "libssh2_exit"); function libssh2_session_init_ex (my_alloc : access function (arg1 : size_t; arg2 : System.Address) return System.Address; my_free : access procedure (arg1 : System.Address; arg2 : System.Address); my_realloc : access function (arg1 : System.Address; arg2 : size_t; arg3 : System.Address) return System.Address; c_abstract : System.Address) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:406 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_init_ex, "libssh2_session_init_ex"); function libssh2_session_abstract (session : System.Address) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:411 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_abstract, "libssh2_session_abstract"); function libssh2_session_callback_set (session : System.Address; cbtype : int; callback : System.Address) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:413 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_callback_set, "libssh2_session_callback_set"); function libssh2_banner_set (session : System.Address; banner : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) return int; -- libssh2.h:415 pragma Import (C, libssh2_banner_set, "libssh2_banner_set"); function libssh2_session_startup (session : System.Address; sock : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:418 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_startup, "libssh2_session_startup"); function libssh2_session_disconnect_ex (session : System.Address; reason : int; description : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; lang : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) return int; -- libssh2.h:419 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_disconnect_ex, "libssh2_session_disconnect_ex"); function libssh2_session_free (session : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:427 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_free, "libssh2_session_free"); function libssh2_hostkey_hash (session : System.Address; hash_type : int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:429 pragma Import (C, libssh2_hostkey_hash, "libssh2_hostkey_hash"); function libssh2_session_hostkey (session : System.Address; len : access size_t; c_type : access int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:432 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_hostkey, "libssh2_session_hostkey"); function libssh2_session_method_pref (session : System.Address; method_type : int; prefs : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) return int; -- libssh2.h:435 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_method_pref, "libssh2_session_method_pref"); function libssh2_session_methods (session : System.Address; method_type : int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:438 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_methods, "libssh2_session_methods"); function libssh2_session_last_error (session : System.Address; errmsg : System.Address; errmsg_len : access int; want_buf : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:440 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_last_error, "libssh2_session_last_error"); function libssh2_session_last_errno (session : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:443 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_last_errno, "libssh2_session_last_errno"); function libssh2_session_block_directions (session : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:444 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_block_directions, "libssh2_session_block_directions"); function libssh2_session_flag (session : System.Address; flag : int; value : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:446 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_flag, "libssh2_session_flag"); function libssh2_userauth_list (session : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; username_len : unsigned) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:450 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_list, "libssh2_userauth_list"); function libssh2_userauth_authenticated (session : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:453 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_authenticated, "libssh2_userauth_authenticated"); function libssh2_userauth_password_ex (session : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; username_len : unsigned; password : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; password_len : unsigned; passwd_change_cb : access procedure (arg1 : System.Address; arg2 : System.Address; arg3 : access int; arg4 : System.Address)) return int; -- libssh2.h:455 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_password_ex, "libssh2_userauth_password_ex"); function libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex (session : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; username_len : unsigned; publickey : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; privatekey : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; passphrase : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr) return int; -- libssh2.h:467 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex, "libssh2_userauth_publickey_fromfile_ex"); function libssh2_userauth_publickey (session : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; pubkeydata : access unsigned_char; pubkeydata_len : size_t; sign_callback : access function (arg1 : System.Address; arg2 : System.Address; arg3 : access size_t; arg4 : access unsigned_char; arg5 : size_t; arg6 : System.Address) return int; c_abstract : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:481 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_publickey, "libssh2_userauth_publickey"); function libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex (session : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; username_len : unsigned; publickey : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; privatekey : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; passphrase : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; hostname : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; hostname_len : unsigned; local_username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; local_username_len : unsigned) return int; -- libssh2.h:489 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex, "libssh2_userauth_hostbased_fromfile_ex"); function libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex (session : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; username_len : unsigned; response_callback : access procedure (arg1 : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; arg2 : int; arg3 : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; arg4 : int; arg5 : int; arg6 : System.Address; arg7 : access LIBSSH2_USERAUTH_KBDINT_RESPONSE; arg8 : System.Address)) return int; -- libssh2.h:515 pragma Import (C, libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex, "libssh2_userauth_keyboard_interactive_ex"); function libssh2_poll (fds : access LIBSSH2_POLLFD; nfds : unsigned; timeout : long) return int; -- libssh2.h:525 pragma Import (C, libssh2_poll, "libssh2_poll"); function libssh2_channel_open_ex (session : System.Address; channel_type : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; channel_type_len : unsigned; window_size : unsigned; packet_size : unsigned; message : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; message_len : unsigned) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:544 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_open_ex, "libssh2_channel_open_ex"); function libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex (session : System.Address; host : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; port : int; shost : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; sport : int) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:555 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex, "libssh2_channel_direct_tcpip_ex"); function libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex (session : System.Address; host : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; port : int; bound_port : access int; queue_maxsize : int) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:561 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex, "libssh2_channel_forward_listen_ex"); function libssh2_channel_forward_cancel (listener : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:566 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_forward_cancel, "libssh2_channel_forward_cancel"); function libssh2_channel_forward_accept (listener : System.Address) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:569 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_forward_accept, "libssh2_channel_forward_accept"); function libssh2_channel_setenv_ex (channel : System.Address; varname : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; varname_len : unsigned; value : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; value_len : unsigned) return int; -- libssh2.h:571 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_setenv_ex, "libssh2_channel_setenv_ex"); function libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex (channel : System.Address; term : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; term_len : unsigned; modes : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; modes_len : unsigned; width : int; height : int; width_px : int; height_px : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:581 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex, "libssh2_channel_request_pty_ex"); function libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex (channel : System.Address; width : int; height : int; width_px : int; height_px : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:593 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex, "libssh2_channel_request_pty_size_ex"); function libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex (channel : System.Address; single_connection : int; auth_proto : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; auth_cookie : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; screen_number : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:600 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex, "libssh2_channel_x11_req_ex"); function libssh2_channel_process_startup (channel : System.Address; request : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; request_len : unsigned; message : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; message_len : unsigned) return int; -- libssh2.h:608 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_process_startup, "libssh2_channel_process_startup"); function libssh2_channel_read_ex (channel : System.Address; stream_id : int; buf : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; buflen : size_t) return long; -- libssh2.h:624 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_read_ex, "libssh2_channel_read_ex"); function libssh2_poll_channel_read (channel : System.Address; extended : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:632 pragma Import (C, libssh2_poll_channel_read, "libssh2_poll_channel_read"); function libssh2_channel_window_read_ex (channel : System.Address; read_avail : access unsigned_long; window_size_initial : access unsigned_long) return unsigned_long; -- libssh2.h:636 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_window_read_ex, "libssh2_channel_window_read_ex"); function libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust (channel : System.Address; adjustment : unsigned_long; force : unsigned_char) return unsigned_long; -- libssh2.h:644 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust, "libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust"); function libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2 (channel : System.Address; adjustment : unsigned_long; force : unsigned_char; storewindow : access unsigned) return int; -- libssh2.h:649 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2, "libssh2_channel_receive_window_adjust2"); function libssh2_channel_write_ex (channel : System.Address; stream_id : int; buf : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; buflen : size_t) return long; -- libssh2.h:654 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_write_ex, "libssh2_channel_write_ex"); function libssh2_channel_window_write_ex (channel : System.Address; window_size_initial : access unsigned_long) return unsigned_long; -- libssh2.h:664 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_window_write_ex, "libssh2_channel_window_write_ex"); procedure libssh2_session_set_blocking (session : System.Address; blocking : int); -- libssh2.h:669 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_set_blocking, "libssh2_session_set_blocking"); function libssh2_session_get_blocking (session : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:671 pragma Import (C, libssh2_session_get_blocking, "libssh2_session_get_blocking"); procedure libssh2_channel_set_blocking (channel : System.Address; blocking : int); -- libssh2.h:673 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_set_blocking, "libssh2_channel_set_blocking"); procedure libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data (channel : System.Address; ignore_mode : int); -- libssh2.h:677 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data, "libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data"); function libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2 (channel : System.Address; ignore_mode : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:679 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2, "libssh2_channel_handle_extended_data2"); function libssh2_channel_flush_ex (channel : System.Address; streamid : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:698 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_flush_ex, "libssh2_channel_flush_ex"); function libssh2_channel_get_exit_status (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:704 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_get_exit_status, "libssh2_channel_get_exit_status"); function libssh2_channel_send_eof (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:705 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_send_eof, "libssh2_channel_send_eof"); function libssh2_channel_eof (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:706 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_eof, "libssh2_channel_eof"); function libssh2_channel_wait_eof (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:707 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_wait_eof, "libssh2_channel_wait_eof"); function libssh2_channel_close (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:708 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_close, "libssh2_channel_close"); function libssh2_channel_wait_closed (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:709 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_wait_closed, "libssh2_channel_wait_closed"); function libssh2_channel_free (channel : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:710 pragma Import (C, libssh2_channel_free, "libssh2_channel_free"); function libssh2_scp_recv (session : System.Address; path : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; sb : access bits_stat_h.stat) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:712 pragma Import (C, libssh2_scp_recv, "libssh2_scp_recv"); function libssh2_scp_send_ex (session : System.Address; path : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; mode : int; size : size_t; mtime : long; atime : long) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:715 pragma Import (C, libssh2_scp_send_ex, "libssh2_scp_send_ex"); function libssh2_scp_send64 (session : System.Address; path : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; mode : int; size : libssh2_int64_t; mtime : time_h.time_t; atime : time_h.time_t) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:720 pragma Import (C, libssh2_scp_send64, "libssh2_scp_send64"); function libssh2_base64_decode (session : System.Address; dest : System.Address; dest_len : access unsigned; src : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; src_len : unsigned) return int; -- libssh2.h:726 pragma Import (C, libssh2_base64_decode, "libssh2_base64_decode"); function get_libssh2_version (req_version_num : int) return Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:731 pragma Import (C, get_libssh2_version, "libssh2_version"); type libssh2_knownhost is record magic : aliased unsigned; -- libssh2.h:737 node : System.Address; -- libssh2.h:738 name : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:739 key : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:740 typemask : aliased int; -- libssh2.h:741 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, libssh2_knownhost); -- libssh2.h:736 function libssh2_knownhost_init (session : System.Address) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:751 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_init, "libssh2_knownhost_init"); function libssh2_knownhost_add (hosts : System.Address; host : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; salt : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; key : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; keylen : size_t; typemask : int; store : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:794 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_add, "libssh2_knownhost_add"); function libssh2_knownhost_addc (hosts : System.Address; host : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; salt : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; key : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; keylen : size_t; comment : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; commentlen : size_t; typemask : int; store : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:828 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_addc, "libssh2_knownhost_addc"); function libssh2_knownhost_check (hosts : System.Address; host : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; key : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; keylen : size_t; typemask : int; knownhost : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:860 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_check, "libssh2_knownhost_check"); function libssh2_knownhost_checkp (hosts : System.Address; host : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; port : int; key : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; keylen : size_t; typemask : int; knownhost : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:868 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_checkp, "libssh2_knownhost_checkp"); function libssh2_knownhost_del (hosts : System.Address; c_entry : access libssh2_knownhost) return int; -- libssh2.h:882 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_del, "libssh2_knownhost_del"); procedure libssh2_knownhost_free (hosts : System.Address); -- libssh2.h:892 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_free, "libssh2_knownhost_free"); function libssh2_knownhost_readline (hosts : System.Address; line : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; len : size_t; c_type : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:903 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_readline, "libssh2_knownhost_readline"); function libssh2_knownhost_readfile (hosts : System.Address; filename : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; c_type : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:920 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_readfile, "libssh2_knownhost_readfile"); function libssh2_knownhost_writeline (hosts : System.Address; known : access libssh2_knownhost; buffer : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; buflen : size_t; outlen : access size_t; c_type : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:936 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_writeline, "libssh2_knownhost_writeline"); function libssh2_knownhost_writefile (hosts : System.Address; filename : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; c_type : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:952 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_writefile, "libssh2_knownhost_writefile"); function libssh2_knownhost_get (hosts : System.Address; store : System.Address; prev : access libssh2_knownhost) return int; -- libssh2.h:968 pragma Import (C, libssh2_knownhost_get, "libssh2_knownhost_get"); type libssh2_agent_publickey is record magic : aliased unsigned; -- libssh2.h:975 node : System.Address; -- libssh2.h:976 blob : access unsigned_char; -- libssh2.h:977 blob_len : aliased size_t; -- libssh2.h:978 comment : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- libssh2.h:979 end record; pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, libssh2_agent_publickey); -- libssh2.h:974 function libssh2_agent_init (session : System.Address) return System.Address; -- libssh2.h:989 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_init, "libssh2_agent_init"); function libssh2_agent_connect (agent : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:999 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_connect, "libssh2_agent_connect"); function libssh2_agent_list_identities (agent : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:1009 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_list_identities, "libssh2_agent_list_identities"); function libssh2_agent_get_identity (agent : System.Address; store : System.Address; prev : access libssh2_agent_publickey) return int; -- libssh2.h:1024 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_get_identity, "libssh2_agent_get_identity"); function libssh2_agent_userauth (agent : System.Address; username : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; identity : access libssh2_agent_publickey) return int; -- libssh2.h:1036 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_userauth, "libssh2_agent_userauth"); function libssh2_agent_disconnect (agent : System.Address) return int; -- libssh2.h:1048 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_disconnect, "libssh2_agent_disconnect"); procedure libssh2_agent_free (agent : System.Address); -- libssh2.h:1057 pragma Import (C, libssh2_agent_free, "libssh2_agent_free"); procedure libssh2_keepalive_config (session : System.Address; want_reply : int; interval : unsigned); -- libssh2.h:1073 pragma Import (C, libssh2_keepalive_config, "libssh2_keepalive_config"); function libssh2_keepalive_send (session : System.Address; seconds_to_next : access int) return int; -- libssh2.h:1085 pragma Import (C, libssh2_keepalive_send, "libssh2_keepalive_send"); function libssh2_trace (session : System.Address; bitmask : int) return int; -- libssh2.h:1092 pragma Import (C, libssh2_trace, "libssh2_trace"); type libssh2_trace_handler_func is access procedure (arg1 : System.Address; arg2 : System.Address; arg3 : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; arg4 : size_t); pragma Convention (C, libssh2_trace_handler_func); -- libssh2.h:1103 function libssh2_trace_sethandler (session : System.Address; context : System.Address; callback : libssh2_trace_handler_func) return int; -- libssh2.h:1107 pragma Import (C, libssh2_trace_sethandler, "libssh2_trace_sethandler"); end libssh2_h;