Ah, you are right. I just assumed everyone would already be on ~x86 as gnat-3.15p is still there. I will move it to stable any day now however. We are also thinking of unmasking gnat-5.0 and placing it in ~x86, so I'm interested if you find any bugs (in which case I will keep it masked a bit longer). I am also working on a system which would allow you to have multiple versions of gnat installed at the same time, but first I need to port it to ppc as I just replaced my desktop with a Pegasos. //David Holm On Fri, 29 Aug 2003 19:14:49 +0100 "Luke A. Guest" wrote: > On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:29:34 +0000, David Holm wrote: > > > Gentoo GNU/Linux (http://www.gentoo.org/) now offers CVS snapshots of GNAT 5.0 if anyone is > > interested in testing it. They are masked since GNAT 3.15p is still the stable release, but > > just remove the gnat entry in/usr/portage/profiles/package.mask and you will be able to > > install it. > > Removing it from the package.mask didn't work, but emerging with, > ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge dev-lang/gnat/gnat-5.0_pre20030822.ebuild > did. > > Luke. >