Place a paypal donation button on the page and strongly advice commercial users to donate as much as they can afford. If there is commercial interest in such an application, which there seems to be, I believe some companies would support it. Of course, this would require having a somewhat usable application first. //David Holm On Fri, 22 Aug 2003 12:32:58 GMT Marin David Condic wrote: > That's why I suggested it as an opportunity to establish some major > market sector as belonging to Ada. An open source accounting system - > with add-ons for things like payroll, inventory, etc., would be a market > niche that is not adequately addressed in the Linux/Open Source world. > All you've got to do is figure out how to make it pay so its worth > someone's time to do the development. > > MDC > > Stephane Richard wrote: > > Food for Though indeed. :-)....he's not in orientation > > wise....there's plenty of people working on the servers/datbases/programming > > languages etc etc....there's OpenOffice which is a good start for the > > business world....but as far as payroll, inventory control, acounting, > > receivables etc etc...aint much done in those fields as far as open source > > goes.... > > > > > -- > ====================================================================== > Marin David Condic > I work for: > My project is: > > Send Replies To: m c o n d i c @ a c m . o r g > > "In general the art of government consists in taking as > much money as possible from one class of citizens to give > to the other." > > -- Voltaire > ====================================================================== >