Let me be evil for a second here. Isn't the main point of a library to provide a good way of code reuse? Then it doesn't matter whether you link statically or dynamically. (Although I know what you meant) //David Holm On Sat, 16 Aug 2003 16:35:59 +0000 (UTC) Preben Randhol wrote: > chris wrote: > > Preben Randhol wrote: > >> Why? > >> > >> I just make a Hello World application which is 25kb big. Accoring to the > >> reference I quoted earlier the hello world application was 100kb big > >> with FLTK, so I really don't see the advantage. > > > > Statically linked? > > Ah no, forgot that. But at any rate unless you are making this for some > embedded system (which is not the case apparently) there is no point in > statically linking. If you do the whole point of the library is removed. > > -- > «I think fish is nice, but then I think that rain is wet. > So who am I to judge.» > - The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (radioplay)