"Hyman Rosen" a �crit dans le message de news:pwa7b.8484$w41.5873@nwrdny02.gnilink.net... > Robert I. Eachus wrote: > > there are a number of situations where even a limited object > > may be finalized several times > > It's important to point this out to new Ada programmers who are > coming from C++, since this is a major difference in the languages. > In C++, an object's constructor and destructor are called exactly > once, so an object never needs to keep track internally if it has > been initialized or finalized. > And what happens in C++ when an exception is raised by a destructor, for this object and for objects not yet finalized? -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr