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From: Lucretia <>
Subject: Re: understanding runtime support
Date: Tue, 15 May 2012 07:48:49 -0700 (PDT)
Date: 2012-05-15T07:48:49-07:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <1824715.1705.1337093329285.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums@vbyb13> (raw)
In-Reply-To: <28695516.0.1336708147839.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums@pbcqw9>

On Friday, May 11, 2012 4:49:07 AM UTC+1, Patrick wrote:

> What is the situation with Ada? I was hoping to target various M68K related architectures, ARM and AVR.

As linked to a number of times, my tamp repo on github (above) has some code that will build for an arm board and can be run on it, doesn't do anything though :D

With Ada, you can pass a number of compilation units to the compiler and it will build them, some of these units can be what is the equivalent of a "main." What GNAT does with this is as follows, gnatbind is called to generate a new file b~<your entry procedure name>.adb, this file contains procedures for calling the elaboration code (to set up arrays and other data), then calls your entry point and on exit calls an exit procedure.

An example is best, so given the following entry point:

procedure test is
   a : string(1 .. 5) := "hello";
end test;

and compiled with:

$ gnatmake -c test.adb 
gcc-4.6 -c test.adb
$ gnatmake -b test.adb 
gnatbind -x test.ali

you are left with the following[sb]:

pragma Ada_95;
with System;
package ada_main is
   pragma Warnings (Off);

   gnat_argc : Integer;
   gnat_argv : System.Address;
   gnat_envp : System.Address;

   pragma Import (C, gnat_argc);
   pragma Import (C, gnat_argv);
   pragma Import (C, gnat_envp);

   gnat_exit_status : Integer;
   pragma Import (C, gnat_exit_status);

   GNAT_Version : constant String :=
                    "GNAT Version: 4.6" & ASCII.NUL;
   pragma Export (C, GNAT_Version, "__gnat_version");

   Ada_Main_Program_Name : constant String := "_ada_test" & ASCII.NUL;
   pragma Export (C, Ada_Main_Program_Name, "__gnat_ada_main_program_name");

   procedure adafinal;
   pragma Export (C, adafinal, "adafinal");

   procedure adainit;
   pragma Export (C, adainit, "adainit");

   procedure Break_Start;
   pragma Import (C, Break_Start, "__gnat_break_start");

   function main
     (argc : Integer;
      argv : System.Address;
      envp : System.Address)
      return Integer;
   pragma Export (C, main, "main");

   type Version_32 is mod 2 ** 32;
   u00001 : constant Version_32 := 16#2951576a#;
   pragma Export (C, u00001, "testB");
   u00002 : constant Version_32 := 16#ba46b2cd#;
   pragma Export (C, u00002, "system__standard_libraryB");
   u00003 : constant Version_32 := 16#1e2e640d#;
   pragma Export (C, u00003, "system__standard_libraryS");
   u00004 : constant Version_32 := 16#23e1f70b#;
   pragma Export (C, u00004, "systemS");
   u00005 : constant Version_32 := 16#0936cab5#;
   pragma Export (C, u00005, "system__memoryB");
   u00006 : constant Version_32 := 16#e96a4b1e#;
   pragma Export (C, u00006, "system__memoryS");
   u00007 : constant Version_32 := 16#3ffc8e18#;
   pragma Export (C, u00007, "adaS");
   u00008 : constant Version_32 := 16#9229643d#;
   pragma Export (C, u00008, "ada__exceptionsB");
   u00009 : constant Version_32 := 16#e3df9d67#;
   pragma Export (C, u00009, "ada__exceptionsS");
   u00010 : constant Version_32 := 16#95643e9a#;
   pragma Export (C, u00010, "ada__exceptions__last_chance_handlerB");
   u00011 : constant Version_32 := 16#03cf4fc2#;
   pragma Export (C, u00011, "ada__exceptions__last_chance_handlerS");
   u00012 : constant Version_32 := 16#30ec78bc#;
   pragma Export (C, u00012, "system__soft_linksB");
   u00013 : constant Version_32 := 16#e2ebe502#;
   pragma Export (C, u00013, "system__soft_linksS");
   u00014 : constant Version_32 := 16#0d2b82ae#;
   pragma Export (C, u00014, "system__parametersB");
   u00015 : constant Version_32 := 16#bfbc74f1#;
   pragma Export (C, u00015, "system__parametersS");
   u00016 : constant Version_32 := 16#72905399#;
   pragma Export (C, u00016, "system__secondary_stackB");
   u00017 : constant Version_32 := 16#378fd0a5#;
   pragma Export (C, u00017, "system__secondary_stackS");
   u00018 : constant Version_32 := 16#ace32e1e#;
   pragma Export (C, u00018, "system__storage_elementsB");
   u00019 : constant Version_32 := 16#d92c8a93#;
   pragma Export (C, u00019, "system__storage_elementsS");
   u00020 : constant Version_32 := 16#4f750b3b#;
   pragma Export (C, u00020, "system__stack_checkingB");
   u00021 : constant Version_32 := 16#80434b27#;
   pragma Export (C, u00021, "system__stack_checkingS");
   u00022 : constant Version_32 := 16#a7343537#;
   pragma Export (C, u00022, "system__exception_tableB");
   u00023 : constant Version_32 := 16#8120f83b#;
   pragma Export (C, u00023, "system__exception_tableS");
   u00024 : constant Version_32 := 16#ff3fa16b#;
   pragma Export (C, u00024, "system__htableB");
   u00025 : constant Version_32 := 16#cc3e5bd4#;
   pragma Export (C, u00025, "system__htableS");
   u00026 : constant Version_32 := 16#8b7dad61#;
   pragma Export (C, u00026, "system__string_hashB");
   u00027 : constant Version_32 := 16#057d2f9f#;
   pragma Export (C, u00027, "system__string_hashS");
   u00028 : constant Version_32 := 16#6a8a6a74#;
   pragma Export (C, u00028, "system__exceptionsB");
   u00029 : constant Version_32 := 16#86f01d0a#;
   pragma Export (C, u00029, "system__exceptionsS");
   u00030 : constant Version_32 := 16#b012ff50#;
   pragma Export (C, u00030, "system__img_intB");
   u00031 : constant Version_32 := 16#213a17c9#;
   pragma Export (C, u00031, "system__img_intS");
   u00032 : constant Version_32 := 16#dc8e33ed#;
   pragma Export (C, u00032, "system__tracebackB");
   u00033 : constant Version_32 := 16#4266237e#;
   pragma Export (C, u00033, "system__tracebackS");
   u00034 : constant Version_32 := 16#4900ab7d#;
   pragma Export (C, u00034, "system__unsigned_typesS");
   u00035 : constant Version_32 := 16#907d882f#;
   pragma Export (C, u00035, "system__wch_conB");
   u00036 : constant Version_32 := 16#9c0ad936#;
   pragma Export (C, u00036, "system__wch_conS");
   u00037 : constant Version_32 := 16#22fed88a#;
   pragma Export (C, u00037, "system__wch_stwB");
   u00038 : constant Version_32 := 16#b11bf537#;
   pragma Export (C, u00038, "system__wch_stwS");
   u00039 : constant Version_32 := 16#5d4d477e#;
   pragma Export (C, u00039, "system__wch_cnvB");
   u00040 : constant Version_32 := 16#82f45fe0#;
   pragma Export (C, u00040, "system__wch_cnvS");
   u00041 : constant Version_32 := 16#f77d8799#;
   pragma Export (C, u00041, "interfacesS");
   u00042 : constant Version_32 := 16#75729fba#;
   pragma Export (C, u00042, "system__wch_jisB");
   u00043 : constant Version_32 := 16#d686c4f4#;
   pragma Export (C, u00043, "system__wch_jisS");
   u00044 : constant Version_32 := 16#ada34a87#;
   pragma Export (C, u00044, "system__traceback_entriesB");
   u00045 : constant Version_32 := 16#71c0194a#;
   pragma Export (C, u00045, "system__traceback_entriesS");
   u00046 : constant Version_32 := 16#13cbc5a8#;
   pragma Export (C, u00046, "system__crtlS");

   --  ada%s
   --  interfaces%s
   --  system%s
   --  system.htable%s
   --  system.img_int%s
   --  system.img_int%b
   --  system.parameters%s
   --  system.parameters%b
   --  system.crtl%s
   --  system.standard_library%s
   --  system.exceptions%s
   --  system.exceptions%b
   --  system.storage_elements%s
   --  system.storage_elements%b
   --  system.stack_checking%s
   --  system.stack_checking%b
   --  system.string_hash%s
   --  system.string_hash%b
   --  system.htable%b
   --  system.traceback_entries%s
   --  system.traceback_entries%b
   --  ada.exceptions%s
   --  system.soft_links%s
   --  system.unsigned_types%s
   --  system.wch_con%s
   --  system.wch_con%b
   --  system.wch_cnv%s
   --  system.wch_jis%s
   --  system.wch_jis%b
   --  system.wch_cnv%b
   --  system.wch_stw%s
   --  system.wch_stw%b
   --  ada.exceptions.last_chance_handler%s
   --  ada.exceptions.last_chance_handler%b
   --  system.exception_table%s
   --  system.exception_table%b
   --  system.memory%s
   --  system.memory%b
   --  system.standard_library%b
   --  system.secondary_stack%s
   --  system.soft_links%b
   --  system.secondary_stack%b
   --  system.traceback%s
   --  ada.exceptions%b
   --  system.traceback%b
   --  test%b

end ada_main;

pragma Ada_95;
pragma Source_File_Name (ada_main, Spec_File_Name => "");
pragma Source_File_Name (ada_main, Body_File_Name => "b~test.adb");

package body ada_main is
   pragma Warnings (Off);

   procedure Do_Finalize;
   pragma Import (C, Do_Finalize, "system__standard_library__adafinal");

   Local_Priority_Specific_Dispatching : constant String := "";
   Local_Interrupt_States : constant String := "";

   procedure adainit is
      E13 : Boolean; pragma Import (Ada, E13, "system__soft_links_E");
      E23 : Boolean; pragma Import (Ada, E23, "system__exception_table_E");
      E17 : Boolean; pragma Import (Ada, E17, "system__secondary_stack_E");

      Main_Priority : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Main_Priority, "__gl_main_priority");
      Time_Slice_Value : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Time_Slice_Value, "__gl_time_slice_val");
      WC_Encoding : Character;
      pragma Import (C, WC_Encoding, "__gl_wc_encoding");
      Locking_Policy : Character;
      pragma Import (C, Locking_Policy, "__gl_locking_policy");
      Queuing_Policy : Character;
      pragma Import (C, Queuing_Policy, "__gl_queuing_policy");
      Task_Dispatching_Policy : Character;
      pragma Import (C, Task_Dispatching_Policy, "__gl_task_dispatching_policy");
      Priority_Specific_Dispatching : System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Priority_Specific_Dispatching, "__gl_priority_specific_dispatching");
      Num_Specific_Dispatching : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Num_Specific_Dispatching, "__gl_num_specific_dispatching");
      Main_CPU : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Main_CPU, "__gl_main_cpu");
      Interrupt_States : System.Address;
      pragma Import (C, Interrupt_States, "__gl_interrupt_states");
      Num_Interrupt_States : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Num_Interrupt_States, "__gl_num_interrupt_states");
      Unreserve_All_Interrupts : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Unreserve_All_Interrupts, "__gl_unreserve_all_interrupts");
      Zero_Cost_Exceptions : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Zero_Cost_Exceptions, "__gl_zero_cost_exceptions");
      Detect_Blocking : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Detect_Blocking, "__gl_detect_blocking");
      Default_Stack_Size : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Default_Stack_Size, "__gl_default_stack_size");
      Leap_Seconds_Support : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Leap_Seconds_Support, "__gl_leap_seconds_support");

      procedure Install_Handler;
      pragma Import (C, Install_Handler, "__gnat_install_handler");

      Handler_Installed : Integer;
      pragma Import (C, Handler_Installed, "__gnat_handler_installed");
      Main_Priority := -1;
      Time_Slice_Value := -1;
      WC_Encoding := 'b';
      Locking_Policy := ' ';
      Queuing_Policy := ' ';
      Task_Dispatching_Policy := ' ';
      Priority_Specific_Dispatching :=
      Num_Specific_Dispatching := 0;
      Main_CPU := -1;
      Interrupt_States := Local_Interrupt_States'Address;
      Num_Interrupt_States := 0;
      Unreserve_All_Interrupts := 0;
      Zero_Cost_Exceptions := 1;
      Detect_Blocking := 0;
      Default_Stack_Size := -1;
      Leap_Seconds_Support := 0;

      if Handler_Installed = 0 then
      end if;

      E23 := True;
      E13 := True;
      E17 := True;
   end adainit;

   procedure adafinal is
   end adafinal;

   function main
     (argc : Integer;
      argv : System.Address;
      envp : System.Address)
      return Integer
      procedure initialize (Addr : System.Address);
      pragma Import (C, initialize, "__gnat_initialize");

      procedure finalize;
      pragma Import (C, finalize, "__gnat_finalize");

      procedure Ada_Main_Program;
      pragma Import (Ada, Ada_Main_Program, "_ada_test");

      SEH : aliased array (1 .. 2) of Integer;

      Ensure_Reference : aliased System.Address := Ada_Main_Program_Name'Address;
      pragma Volatile (Ensure_Reference);

      gnat_argc := argc;
      gnat_argv := argv;
      gnat_envp := envp;

      Initialize (SEH'Address);
      return (gnat_exit_status);

--  BEGIN Object file/option list
   --   ./test.o
   --   -L./
   --   -L/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/4.6/adalib/
   --   -shared
   --   -lgnat-4.6
--  END Object file/option list   

end ada_main;

Lots of stuff in there, but you get the idea. See the "main" procedure? That call's adainit, then the actual procedure Ada_Main_Program_Name - test.

So, for bare hardware you need to mess around with the gnatbind step like this so that it doesn't generate some stuff, my b~blink.adb main is:

   procedure main is

      procedure Ada_Main_Program;
      pragma Import (Ada, Ada_Main_Program, "_ada_blink");

      Ensure_Reference : aliased System.Address := Ada_Main_Program_Name'Address;
      pragma Volatile (Ensure_Reference);


I just use the default discovery startup code which calls main from some assembly after setting up the hardware.


  parent reply	other threads:[~2012-05-15 15:05 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 37+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2012-05-11  3:49 understanding runtime support Patrick
2012-05-13  4:49 ` Shark8
2012-05-13 15:26   ` Patrick
2012-05-14  4:37     ` Shark8
2012-05-14  8:24     ` Ludovic Brenta
2012-05-14 11:31       ` Patrick
2012-05-14 18:34         ` Shark8
2012-05-14 20:04           ` Patrick
2012-05-14 21:02             ` mjsilva
2012-05-15  6:48               ` Randy Brukardt
2012-05-15 15:22                 ` mjsilva
2012-05-15 15:41                   ` Lucretia
2012-05-15 16:05                   ` Lucretia
2012-05-15 16:29                     ` mjsilva
2012-05-15 17:02                       ` Lucretia
2012-05-16 17:51                 ` Tero Koskinen
2012-05-17  6:39                   ` Simon Wright
2012-05-17 18:09                     ` Tero Koskinen
2012-05-17 18:15                     ` John B. Matthews
2012-05-15  7:47               ` Jacob Sparre Andersen
2012-05-15 16:27                 ` Jeffrey Carter
2012-05-15 16:38                 ` Brian Drummond
2012-05-15 16:49                   ` Patrick
2012-05-15 16:50                   ` Patrick
2012-05-15 14:24               ` Lucretia
2012-05-14 22:52             ` Shark8
2012-05-15  0:04               ` Patrick
2012-05-15  7:39               ` Dmitry A. Kazakov
2012-05-15 14:19       ` Lucretia
2012-05-15  7:26 ` Ludovic Brenta
2012-05-15 14:31   ` Lucretia
2012-05-16 16:24   ` tmoran
2012-05-17  0:15     ` Randy Brukardt
2012-05-15 14:48 ` Lucretia [this message]
2012-05-15 14:55 ` Lucretia
2012-05-15 15:32   ` Mike Silva
2012-05-15 16:04     ` Lucretia
replies disabled

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