"Stefan Bellon" wrote in message news:20071030160021.19047e4e@cube.tz.axivion.com... On Tue, 30 Oct, Pascal Obry wrote: > ME a �crit : > > I am using the stack. how do I change this at link time using GPL? > > There is no option for that use "new" to allocate the array instead of > declaring it on the stack. While I agree with the given suggestion to allocate large objects on the heap instead of the stack, there is a way to increase the stack size on Windows. We use something like the following in our projects where we need a larger stack on Windows: package Linker is case OS is when "UNIX" => null; when "Windows_NT" => for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("--stack=0x2000000,0x10000"); end case; end Linker; -- Yes, I tried the linker switch -Wl,--stack=0x10000000 in GPL but what is the second number "0x10000" for? Stefan Bellon