From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.4 (2020-01-24) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.8 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,INVALID_DATE, MSGID_SHORT autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.4 Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Path: utzoo!mnetor!uunet!husc6!rutgers!umn-d-ub!umn-cs!shamash!jwabik From: jwabik@shamash.UUCP (Jeff Wabik) Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Subject: Ada: YACC and LEX Sources (Part 1 of 1) Message-ID: <1167@shamash.UUCP> Date: Tue, 1-Dec-87 14:45:52 EST Article-I.D.: shamash.1167 Posted: Tue Dec 1 14:45:52 1987 Date-Received: Sat, 5-Dec-87 00:16:20 EST Organization: Control Data Corporation, Bloomington, MN. Keywords: Here we go again! List-Id: In the last 10 days I've received about 20 requests to repost the YACC and LEX goodies for ADA, so here they are again .. Watch the warnings and read the READMEs ... There are definitely a few problems with the regular expressions defining numerics in the LEX, but, they are obscure types of errors that accept things they shouldn't rather than not accepting things that should be. I'm waaaay busy right now, but will look at these soon... Of course, if you'd like to fix 'em and send ME the changes.. ;-) Thanks to those who have sent in bug fixes.. Keep them coming. I'll be happy to continue as a moderator for these sources (i.e. I'll make the fixes and redistribute) should there be the demand. Good luck! -Jeff --- Jeff A. Wabik @ Control Data Corporation Bloomington, MN 55440 UUCP: {rosevax,umn-cs,meccts,ems}!shamash!jwabik ARPA: Disclaimer: My employer doesn't know anything about this. Shhhhhh. Live long and program. ------ Cut Here -------------- Cut Here ---------- Cut Here ------------------ echo x - README sed 's/^X//' >README <<'*-*-END-of-README-*-*' X X X From: Jeff Wabik X { umn-cs!shamash!jwabik } X December, 1987 X X X X XThe Table sizes needed for YACC are as follows: X X95/6000 terminals, 238/600 nonterminals X459/1000 grammar rules, 859/1250 states X0 shift/reduce, 0 reduce/reduce conflicts reported X238/700 working sets used Xmemory: states,etc. 4122/24000, parser 3113/12000 X599/1200 distinct lookahead sets X946 extra closures X1234 shift entries, 65 exceptions X570 goto entries X1413 entries saved by goto default XOptimizer space used: input 3372/24000, output 1146/12000 X1146 table entries, 0 zero Xmaximum spread: 333, maximum offset: 856 X X XIf your YACC isn't big enough and you DO have the sources, dig around Xin /usr/src/usr.bin/yacc and play with the "dextern" file. As you can Xsee, my YACC has been converted to a Super-YACC. X XThere is a missing routine called "yyerror". yyerror should look something Xlike this: X X yyerror(string) X char *string; X { X X extern int yylineno; X X fprintf(stderr,"Syntax error at line %d near %s.\n", X yylineno,yytext); X if (dABORT) X exit(dSYN_ERROR); X else X return(0); X X } X XTake a CLOSE look at memory management in the LEX (i.e. There is none.) Each Xreturned IDENTIFIER makes a call to calloc() that is never ever cfree()'ed. XHow you're going to feed memory to the "$$" and "$?" specs in YACC is up Xto you, but be warned that if you dont have a virtual machine, this version Xwill never free up allocated memory. X XIf you have questions about what more I did to this, or how my routines Xwork, please feel free to contact me: X X Jeff Wabik X Control Data Corporation X 2800 E. Old Shakopee Road X Bloominton, MN 55420 X (612) 853-6811 X X { umn-cs \ XUUCP: !shamash!jwabik } X { meccts / X X X=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= XOfficial Disclaimer: X XControl Data Corporation is not responsible in any way for the contents of Xthis Ada Language specification, nor does CDC make a commitment to the Xsupport of this Public Domain grammar. What you see is what you get. X=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= X XHope my mods can be helpful to others. Happy hacking! X X -Jeff X *-*-END-of-README-*-* echo x - ada.l sed 's/^X//' >ada.l <<'*-*-END-of-ada.l-*-*' X%{ X/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ X/* Lexical input for LEX for LALR(1) Grammar for ANSI Ada */ X/* */ X/* Herman Fischer */ X/* Litton Data Systems */ X/* March 26, 1984 */ X/* */ X/* Rewrite: To a version that a non-supercomputer can handle (8^) by: */ X/* Jeff Wabik, Control Data Corporation, December 1987 */ X/* { umn-cs!shamash!jwabik } */ X/* */ X/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ X#include "" X#include X#include X X#define Token(a) (int)a X X%} X XStringLetter ([^\n']|'') XWS ([\t\n ]) XWord ([^\n^ ^\t']|'') X X%START IDENT Z X X%% X"--".* ECHO; /* ignore comments to end-of-line */ X[\ \t\n] ECHO; /* ignore spaces and tabs */ X"=>" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(ARROW_);} X".." {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(DBLDOT_);} X"**" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(EXP_);} X":=" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(ASSIGN_);} X"/=" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(NOTEQL_);} X">=" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(GTEQL_);} X"<=" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(LTEQ_);} X"<<" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(L_LBL_);} X">>" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(R_LBL_);} X"<>" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(BOX_);} X"&" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('&'); } X"(" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('('); } X")" {ECHO; BEGIN IDENT; return(')'); } X"*" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('*'); } X"+" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('+'); } X"," {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(','); } X"-" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('-'); } X"." {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('.'); } X"/" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('/'); } X":" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(':'); } X";" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(';'); } X"<" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('<'); } X"=" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('='); } X">" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('>'); } X"|" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('|'); } X\' {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return('\'');} /* type mark only */ X X X[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]* { ECHO; BEGIN IDENT; return(LookUp(yytext));} X X[0-9][0-9_]*([.][0-9_]+)?([Ee][-+]?[0-9_]+)? X { ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(NUMERIC_LITERAL);} X X[0-9][0-9_]*#[0-9a-fA-F_]+([.][0-9a-fA-F_]+)?#([Ee][-+]?[0-9_]+)? X { ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(NUMERIC_LITERAL);} X X X\"([^"]*(\"\")*)*\" {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(STRING_LITERAL);} X X\'([^']|\'\')\' {ECHO; BEGIN Z; return(CHARACTER_LITERAL);} X X X. {ECHO; X printf("Syntax error \"%s\" at line %d.\n\t", X yytext,yylineno); } X%% X Xtypedef struct token_struct { X char *token; X int tokval; X} TOKEN; X Xyywrap() { X return(1); X} X XLookUp(key) Xchar *key; X/* X Compare what was just read in by LEX to the literal form X of the reserved word.. If its OK, return the TOKEN of the X reserved word, else return the IDENTIFIER token. X*/ X{ X TOKEN *tokpnt; X extern TOKEN tokens[]; X extern unsigned num_tokens; X int TokenCmp(); X extern char *MakeUpper(); X X if ((tokpnt = (TOKEN *)bsearch(MakeUpper(key), tokens,num_tokens, X sizeof(TOKEN), TokenCmp)) != NULL) X return(tokpnt->tokval); X else { X yylval.y_str = (char *) calloc(strlen(yytext)+1,sizeof(char)); X strcpy(yylval.y_str,yytext); X return(IDENTIFIER); X } X} X Xint TokenCmp(str,tab_ele) Xchar str[]; XTOKEN *tab_ele; X{ X return(strcmp(str,tab_ele->token)); X} X Xchar *MakeUpper(str) Xchar str[]; X{ X X register int i; X static char up_str[256]; X X for (i=0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) X if (islower(str[i])) X up_str[i] = toupper(str[i]); X else X up_str[i] = str[i]; X up_str[i] = '\0'; X return up_str; X} X XTOKEN tokens[] = { X "ABORT", Token(ABORT_), X "ABS", Token(ABS_), X "ACCEPT", Token(ACCEPT_), X "ACCESS", Token(ACCESS_), X "ALL", Token(ALL_), X "AND", Token(AND_), X "ARRAY", Token(ARRAY_), X "AT", Token(AT_), X "BEGIN", Token(BEGIN_), X "BODY", Token(BODY_), X "CASE", Token(CASE_), X "CONSTANT", Token(CONSTANT_), X "DECLARE", Token(DECLARE_), X "DELAY", Token(DELAY_), X "DELTA", Token(DELTA_), X "DIGITS", Token(DIGITS_), X "DO", Token(DO_), X "ELSE", Token(ELSE_), X "ELSIF", Token(ELSIF_), X "END", Token(END_), X "ENTRY", Token(ENTRY_), X "EXCEPTION", Token(EXCEPTION_), X "EXIT", Token(EXIT_), X "FOR", Token(FOR_), X "FUNCTION", Token(FUNCTION_), X "GENERIC", Token(GENERIC_), X "GOTO", Token(GOTO_), X "IF", Token(IF_), X "IN", Token(IN_), X "IS", Token(IS_), X "LIMITED", Token(LIMITED_), X "LOOP", Token(LOOP_), X "MOD", Token(MOD_), X "NEW", Token(NEW_), X "NOT", Token(NOT_), X "NULL", Token(NULL_), X "OF", Token(OF_), X "OR", Token(OR_), X "OTHERS", Token(OTHERS_), X "OUT", Token(OUT_), X "PACKAGE", Token(PACKAGE_), X "PRAGMA", Token(PRAGMA_), X "PRIVATE", Token(PRIVATE_), X "PROCEDURE", Token(PROCEDURE_), X "RAISE", Token(RAISE_), X "RANGE", Token(RANGE_), X "RECORD", Token(RECORD_), X "REM", Token(REM_), X "RENAMES", Token(RENAMES_), X "RETURN", Token(RETURN_), X "REVERSE", Token(REVERSE_), X "SELECT", Token(SELECT_), X "SEPARATE", Token(SEPARATE_), X "SUBTYPE", Token(SUBTYPE_), X "TASK", Token(TASK_), X "TERMINATE", Token(TERMINATE_), X "THEN", Token(THEN_), X "TYPE", Token(TYPE_), X "USE", Token(USE_), X "WHEN", Token(WHEN_), X "WHILE", Token(WHILE_), X "WITH", Token(WITH_), X "XOR", Token(XOR_), X}; X Xunsigned num_tokens = sizeof(tokens)/sizeof(TOKEN); *-*-END-of-ada.l-*-* echo x - ada.y sed 's/^X//' >ada.y <<'*-*-END-of-ada.y-*-*' X/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ X/* */ X/* A LALR(1) grammar for ANSI Ada* */ X/* */ X/* Adapted for YACC (UNIX) Inputs */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* Herman Fischer */ X/* Litton Data Systems */ X/* 8000 Woodley Ave., ms 44-30 */ X/* Van Nuys, CA */ X/* */ X/* 818/902-5139 */ X/* */ X/* {cepu,trwrb}!litvax!fischer */ X/* */ X/* March 26, 1984 */ X/* */ X/* A Contribution to the Public Domain */ X/* for */ X/* Research, Development, and Training Purposes Only */ X/* */ X/* Any Corrections or Problems are to be Reported to the Author */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* Mods to the original: Jeff Wabik, Control Data Corporation */ X/* December, 1987: Mainly reformatted to make the YACC readable */ X/* { umn-cs!shamash!jwabik } */ X/* Disclaim: CDC is not responsible. */ X/* */ X/* Note that Herm Fischer's new address, effective 9/23/87, is: */ X/* { hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA } */ X/* { {ihnp4,decvax,trwrb,seismo,etc.}!hermix!fischer } */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* adapted from */ X/* the grammar */ X/* by: */ X/* */ X/* Gerry Fisher Philippe Charles */ X/* */ X/* Computer Sciences Corporation & Ada Project */ X/* 4045 Hancock Street New York University */ X/* San Diego, CA 92121 251 Mercer Street */ X/* New York, New York 10012 */ X/* */ X/* */ X/* This grammar is organized in the same order as the syntax summary */ X/* in appendix E of the ANSI Ada Reference Manual. All reserved words */ X/* are written in upper case letters. The lexical categories */ X/* NUMERIC_LITERAL, STRING_LITERAL, etc, are viewed as terminals. The */ X/* rules for pragmas as stated in chapter 2, section 8, have been */ X/* incorporated in the grammar. Comments are included wherever we had */ X/* to deviate from the syntax given in appendix E. Different symbols */ X/* used here (to comply with yacc requirements) are of note: */ X/* {,something} is denoted ...something.. */ X/* {something} is denoted ..something.. */ X/* [something] is denoted .something. */ X/* Constructs involving */ X/* meta brackets, e.g., ...IDENTIFIER.. are represented by a nonterminal */ X/* formed by concatenating the construct symbols ( as ...IDENTIFIER.. */ X/* in the example) for which the rules are given at the end. When */ X/* reading this grammar, it is important to note that all symbols */ X/* appearing in the rules are separated by one or more blanks. A */ X/* string such as 'IDENTIFIER_type_mark is actually a single */ X/* nonterminal symbol defined at the end of the rules. The '/*' symbol */ X/* is used to indicate that the rest of the line is a comment, just */ X/* as in yacc programs. */ X/* */ X/* This grammar is presented here in a form suitable for input to a */ X/* yacc parser generator. It has been processed by the Bell System */ X/* III lex/yacc combination, and tested against over 400 ACVC tests. */ X/* */ X/* *Ada is a registered trade mark of the Department of Defense (Ada */ X/* Joint Program Office). */ X/* */ X/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ X X X/*%terminals ----------------------------------------------------------- */ X X%{ X X#include X#include X Xextern char yytext[]; Xextern int yylineno; X X%} X X X%union { X char *y_str; X int y_num; X}; X X%token ABORT_ ABS_ ACCEPT_ ACCESS_ ALL_ AND_ ARRAY_ X%token AT_ BEGIN_ BODY_ CASE_ CONSTANT_ X%token DECLARE_ DELAY_ DELTA_ DIGITS_ DO_ ELSE_ ELSIF_ X%token END_ ENTRY_ EXCEPTION_ EXIT_ FOR_ X%token FUNCTION_ GENERIC_ GOTO_ IF_ IN_ IS_ LIMITED_ X%token LOOP_ MOD_ NEW_ NOT_ NULL_ OF_ OR_ X%token OTHERS_ OUT_ PACKAGE_ PRAGMA_ PRIVATE_ X%token PROCEDURE_ RAISE_ RANGE_ RECORD_ REM_ X%token RENAMES_ RETURN_ REVERSE_ SELECT_ SEPARATE_ X%token SUBTYPE_ TASK_ TERMINATE_ THEN_ X%token TYPE_ USE_ WHEN_ WHILE_ WITH_ XOR_ X X%token IDENTIFIER NUMERIC_LITERAL STRING_LITERAL CHARACTER_LITERAL X%token ARROW_ DBLDOT_ EXP_ ASSIGN_ NOTEQL_ GTEQL_ LTEQ_ L_LBL_ R_LBL_ BOX_ X X%start compilation X X%% X X X/* 2.8 */ Xprag : PRAGMA_ IDENTIFIER .arg_ascs ';' X ; X Xarg_asc : expr X | IDENTIFIER ARROW_ expr X ; X X/* 3.1 */ Xbasic_d : object_d X | ty_d X | subty_d X | subprg_d X | pkg_d X | task_d X | gen_d X | excptn_d X | gen_inst X | renaming_d X | number_d X | error ';' X ; X X/* 3.2 */ Xobject_d : idents ':' subty_ind ._ASN_expr. ';' X | idents ':' CONSTANT_ subty_ind ._ASN_expr. ';' X | idents ':' c_arr_def ._ASN_expr. ';' X | idents ':' CONSTANT_ c_arr_def ._ASN_expr. ';' X ; X Xnumber_d : idents ':' CONSTANT_ ASSIGN_ expr ';' X ; X Xidents : IDENTIFIER ...ident.. X ; X X/* 3.3.1 */ Xty_d : full_ty_d X | incomplete_ty_d X | priv_ty_d X ; X Xfull_ty_d : TYPE_ IDENTIFIER IS_ ty_def ';' X | TYPE_ IDENTIFIER discr_part IS_ ty_def ';' X ; X Xty_def : enum_ty_def X | integer_ty_def X | real_ty_def X | array_ty_def X | rec_ty_def X | access_ty_def X | derived_ty_def X ; X X/* 3.3.2 */ Xsubty_d : SUBTYPE_ IDENTIFIER IS_ subty_ind ';' X ; X Xsubty_ind : ty_mk .constrt. X ; X Xty_mk : expanded_n X ; X Xconstrt : rng_c X | fltg_point_c X | fixed_point_c X | aggr X ; X X/* 3.4 */ Xderived_ty_def : NEW_ subty_ind X ; X X X/* 3.5 */ Xrng_c : RANGE_ rng X ; X Xrng : name X | sim_expr DBLDOT_ sim_expr X ; X X/* 3.5.1 */ Xenum_ty_def : '(' enum_lit_spec ...enum_lit_spec.. ')' X ; X X Xenum_lit_spec : enum_lit X ; X Xenum_lit : IDENTIFIER X | CHARACTER_LITERAL X ; X X/* 3.5.4 */ Xinteger_ty_def : rng_c X ; X X/* 3.5.6 */ Xreal_ty_def : fltg_point_c X | fixed_point_c X ; X X/* 3.5.7 */ Xfltg_point_c : fltg_accuracy_def .rng_c. X ; X Xfltg_accuracy_def : DIGITS_ sim_expr X ; X X/* 3.5.9 */ Xfixed_point_c : fixed_accuracy_def .rng_c. X ; X Xfixed_accuracy_def : DELTA_ sim_expr X ; X X/* 3.6 */ Xarray_ty_def : uncnstrnd_array_def X | c_arr_def X ; X Xuncnstrnd_array_def : ARRAY_ '(' idx_subty_def ...idx_subty_def.. ')' OF_ X subty_ind X ; X X Xc_arr_def : ARRAY_ idx_c OF_ subty_ind X ; X X Xidx_subty_def : name RANGE_ BOX_ X ; X X Xidx_c : '(' dscr_rng ...dscr_rng.. ')' X ; X Xdscr_rng : rng X | name rng_c X ; X X/* 3.7 */ Xrec_ty_def : RECORD_ cmpons END_ RECORD_ X ; X Xcmpons : ..prag.. ..cmpon_d.. cmpon_d ..prag.. X | ..prag.. ..cmpon_d.. variant_part ..prag.. X | ..prag.. NULL_ ';' ..prag.. X ; X Xcmpon_d : idents ':' cmpon_subty_def ._ASN_expr. ';' X ; X Xcmpon_subty_def : subty_ind X ; X X/* 3.7.1 */ Xdiscr_part : '(' discr_spec ...discr_spec.. ')' X ; X Xdiscr_spec : idents ':' ty_mk ._ASN_expr. X ; X X/* 3.7.2 */ X/*discr_c : '(' discr_asc ... discr_asc.. ')' ; */ X X/*discr_asc : .discr_sim_n ..or_discrim_sim_n.. ARROW. expressi */ X/* ; */ X X/*"discr_c" is included under "aggr" */ X X X/* 3.7.3 */ Xvariant_part : CASE_ sim_n IS_ ..prag.. variant ..variant.. END_ CASE_ ';' X ; X Xvariant : WHEN_ choice ..or_choice.. ARROW_ cmpons X ; X Xchoice : sim_expr X | name rng_c X | sim_expr DBLDOT_ sim_expr X | OTHERS_ X ; X X/* 3.8 */ Xaccess_ty_def : ACCESS_ subty_ind X ; X X/* 3.8.1 */ Xincomplete_ty_d : TYPE_ IDENTIFIER ';' X | TYPE_ IDENTIFIER discr_part ';' X ; X X/* 3.9 */ Xdecl_part : ..basic_decl_item.. X | ..basic_decl_item.. body ..later_decl_item.. X ; X Xbasic_decl_item : basic_d X | rep_cl X | use_cl X ; X Xlater_decl_item : body X | subprg_d X | pkg_d X | task_d X | gen_d X | use_cl X | gen_inst X ; X Xbody : proper_body X | body_stub X ; X Xproper_body : subprg_body X | pkg_body X | task_body X ; X X/* 4.1 */ X Xname : sim_n X | CHARACTER_LITERAL X | op_symbol X | idxed_cmpon X | selected_cmpon X | attribute X ; X X Xsim_n : IDENTIFIER X ; X Xprefix : name X ; X X/* 4.1.1 */ Xidxed_cmpon : prefix aggr X ; X X/* 4.1.2 */ X X/* slice : prefix '(' dscr_rng ')' ; */ X/* */ X/* included under "idxed_cmpon". */ X X X/* 4.1.3 */ X Xselected_cmpon : prefix '.' selector X ; X Xselector : sim_n X | CHARACTER_LITERAL X | op_symbol X | ALL_ X ; X X/* 4.1.4 */ X Xattribute : prefix '\'' attribute_designator X ; X/* This can be an attribute, idxed cmpon, slice, or subprg call. */ Xattribute_designator : sim_n X | DIGITS_ X | DELTA_ X | RANGE_ X ; X X/* 4.3 */ Xaggr : '(' cmpon_asc ...cmpon_asc.. ')' X ; X Xcmpon_asc : expr X | choice ..or_choice.. ARROW_ expr X | sim_expr DBLDOT_ sim_expr X | name rng_c X ; X X/* 4.4 */ X Xexpr : rel..AND__rel.. X | rel..AND__THEN__rel.. X | rel..OR__rel.. X | rel..OR__ELSE__rel.. X | rel..XOR__rel.. X ; X Xrel : sim_expr .relal_op__sim_expr. X | sim_expr.NOT.IN__rng_or_sim_expr.NOT.IN__ty_mk X ; X Xsim_expr : .unary_add_op.term..binary_add_op__term.. X ; X Xterm : factor..mult_op__factor.. X ; X Xfactor : pri ._EXP___pri. X | ABS_ pri X | NOT_ pri X ; X Xpri : NUMERIC_LITERAL X | NULL_ X | allocator X | qualified_expr X | name X | aggr X ; X X/* "'(' expr ')'" is included under "aggr". */ X X X/* 4.5 */ X X/* logical_op : AND_ X | OR_ X | XOR_ ; */ X/* */ X/* This is an unused syntactic class. */ X X Xrelal_op : '=' X | NOTEQL_ X | '<' X | LTEQ_ X | '>' X | GTEQL_ X ; X X Xbinary_add_op : '+' X | '-' X | '&' X ; X X Xunary_add_op : '+' X | '-' X ; X X Xmult_op : '*' X | '/' X | MOD_ X | REM_ X ; X X X/* highest_precedence_op : EXP_ X | ABS_ X | NOT_ X ; */ X/* */ X/* This is an unused syntactic class. */ X X X X/* 4.6 */ X/* ty_cnvr : ty_mk '(' expr ')' ; */ X/* */ X/* The class "ty_cnvr" is included under "name". */ X X X/* 4.7 */ Xqualified_expr : ty_mkaggr_or_ty_mkPexprP_ X ; X X X X/* 4.8 */ Xallocator : NEW_ ty_mk X | NEW_ ty_mk aggr X | NEW_ ty_mk '\'' aggr X ; X X/* 5.1 */ Xseq_of_stmts : ..prag.. stmt ..stmt.. X ; X X Xstmt : ..label.. sim_stmt X | ..label.. compound_stmt X | error ';' X ; X Xsim_stmt :null_stmt X | assignment_stmt X | exit_stmt X | return_stmt X | goto_stmt X | delay_stmt X | abort_stmt X | raise_stmt X | code_stmt X | name ';' X ; X X/* Procedure and ent call stmts are included under "name". */ X X Xcompound_stmt : if_stmt X | case_stmt X | loop_stmt X | block_stmt X | accept_stmt X | select_stmt X ; X Xlabel : L_LBL_ sim_n R_LBL_ X ; X Xnull_stmt : NULL_ ';' X ; X X/* 5.2 */ Xassignment_stmt : name ASSIGN_ expr ';' X ; X X/* 5.3 */ X Xif_stmt : IF_ cond THEN_ seq_of_stmts X ..ELSIF__cond__THEN__seq_of_stmts.. X .ELSE__seq_of_stmts. X END_ IF_ ';' X ; X Xcond : expr X ; X X X/* 5.4 */ Xcase_stmt : CASE_ expr IS_ case_stmt_alt..case_stmt_alt.. END_ CASE_ ';' X ; X Xcase_stmt_alt : WHEN_ choice ..or_choice.. ARROW_ seq_of_stmts X ; X X/* 5.5 */ Xloop_stmt : .sim_nC. /*simple name colon */ X .iteration_scheme. LOOP_ X seq_of_stmts X END_ LOOP_ .sim_n. ';' X ; X Xiteration_scheme: WHILE_ cond X | FOR_ loop_prm_spec X ; X Xloop_prm_spec : IDENTIFIER IN_ .REVERSE. dscr_rng X ; X X/* 5.6 */ Xblock_stmt : .sim_nC. .DECLARE__decl_part. X BEGIN_ X seq_of_stmts X .EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... X END_ .sim_n. ';' X ; X X/* 5.7 */ Xexit_stmt : EXIT_ .expanded_n. .WHEN__cond. ';' X ; X X/* 5.8 */ Xreturn_stmt : RETURN_ .expr. ';' X ; X X/* 5.9 */ Xgoto_stmt : GOTO_ expanded_n ';' X ; X X/* 6.1 */ Xsubprg_d : subprg_spec ';' X ; X Xsubprg_spec : PROCEDURE_ IDENTIFIER X | FUNCTION_ designator .fml_part. RETURN_ ty_mk X ; X Xdesignator : IDENTIFIER X | op_symbol X ; X X Xop_symbol : STRING_LITERAL X ; X Xfml_part : '(' prm_spec .._.prm_spec.. ')' X ; X Xprm_spec : idents ':' mode ty_mk ._ASN_expr. X ; X Xmode : .IN. X | IN_ OUT_ X | OUT_ X ; X X/* 6.3 */ Xsubprg_body : subprg_spec IS_ .decl_part. X BEGIN_ X seq_of_stmts X .EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... X END_ .designator. ';' X ; X X/* 6.4 */ X/* procedure_call_stmt : procedure_n .act_prm_part. ';' X ; */ X X/* func_call : func_n .act_prm. X ; */ X X/* act_prm_part : '(' prm_asc ... prm_asc .._paren X ; */ X X/* prm_asc : .fml_prm ARROW. act_prm X ; */ X X/* fml_prm : sim_n X ; */ X X/* act_prm : expr X | name X | ty_mk '(' name ')' X ; */ X X/* "procedure_call_stmt" and "func_call" are included under "name".*/ X X X X/* 7.1 */ X Xpkg_d : pkg_spec ';' X ; X Xpkg_spec : PACKAGE_ IDENTIFIER IS_ ..basic_decl_item.. X .PRIVATE..basic_decl_item... END_ .sim_n. X ; X X Xpkg_body : PACKAGE_ BODY_ sim_n IS_ X .decl_part. X .BEGIN__seq_of_stmts.EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... X END_ .sim_n. ';' X ; X X/* 7.4 */ Xpriv_ty_d : TYPE_ IDENTIFIER IS_ .LIMITED. PRIVATE_ ';' X | TYPE_ IDENTIFIER discr_part IS_ .LIMITED. PRIVATE_ ';' ; X X/* defer_const_d: idents : CONSTANT_ ty_mk ';' X ; */ X X/* 8.4 */ Xuse_cl : USE_ expanded_n ...expanded_n.. ';' X ; X X/* 8.5 */ Xrenaming_d : idents ':' ty_mk RENAMES_ name ';' X | idents ':' EXCEPTION_ RENAMES_ expanded_n ';' X | PACKAGE_ IDENTIFIER RENAMES_ expanded_n ';' X | subprg_spec RENAMES_ name ';' X ; X X/* idents in the two above rule must contain only one */ X/* IDENTIFIER. */ X X/* 9.1 */ Xtask_d : task_spec ';' X ; X Xtask_spec : TASK_ .TYPE. IDENTIFIER .IS..ent_d_..rep_cl_END.sim_n. X ; X Xtask_body : TASK_ BODY_ sim_n IS_ .decl_part. X BEGIN_ X seq_of_stmts X .EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... X END_ .sim_n. ';' X ; X X/* 9.5 */ Xent_d : ENTRY_ IDENTIFIER .fml_part. ';' X | ENTRY_ IDENTIFIER '(' dscr_rng ')' .fml_part. ';' X ; X Xent_call_stmt : ..prag.. name ';' X ; X Xaccept_stmt : ACCEPT_ sim_n .Pent_idx_P..fml_part. X .DO__seq_of_stmts__END.sim_n.. ';' X ; X Xent_idx : expr X ; X X/* 9.6 */ Xdelay_stmt : DELAY_ sim_expr ';' X ; X X/* 9.7 */ Xselect_stmt : selec_wait X | condal_ent_call X | timed_ent_call X ; X X/* 9.7.1 */ Xselec_wait : SELECT_ select_alt X ..OR__select_alt.. X .ELSE__seq_of_stmts. X END_ SELECT_ ';' X ; X X Xselect_alt : .WHEN__condARROW.selec_wait_alt X ; X Xselec_wait_alt : accept_alt X | delay_alt X | terminate_alt X ; X Xaccept_alt : accept_stmt.seq_of_stmts. X ; X Xdelay_alt : delay_stmt.seq_of_stmts. X ; X Xterminate_alt : TERM_stmt X ; X X/* 9.7.2 */ Xcondal_ent_call : SELECT_ X ent_call_stmt X .seq_of_stmts. X ELSE_ X seq_of_stmts X END_ SELECT_ ';' X ; X X/* 9.7.3 */ Xtimed_ent_call : SELECT_ ent_call_stmt .seq_of_stmts. X OR_ delay_alt END_ SELECT_ ';' X ; X X X/* 9.10 */ X Xabort_stmt : ABORT_ name ';' X ; X X/* 10.1 */ X Xcompilation : ..compilation_unit.. X ; X Xcompilation_unit: context_cl library_unit X | context_cl secondary_unit X ; X Xlibrary_unit : subprg_d X | pkg_d X | gen_d X | gen_inst X | subprg_body X ; X Xsecondary_unit : library_unit_body X | subunit X ; X Xlibrary_unit_body : pkg_body_or_subprg_body X ; X X/* 10.1.1 */ Xcontext_cl : ..with_cl..use_cl.... X ; X Xwith_cl : WITH_ sim_n ...sim_n.. ';' X ; X X/* 10.2 */ Xbody_stub : subprg_spec IS_ SEPARATE_ ';' X | PACKAGE_ BODY_ sim_n IS_ SEPARATE_ ';' X | TASK_ BODY_ sim_n IS_ SEPARATE_ ';' X ; X X Xsubunit : SEPARATE_ '(' expanded_n ')' proper_body X ; X X/* 11.1 */ X Xexcptn_d : idents ':' EXCEPTION_ ';' X ; X X/* 11.2 */ X Xexcptn_handler : WHEN_ excptn_choice ..or_excptn_choice.. ARROW_ X seq_of_stmts X ; X X Xexcptn_choice : expanded_n X | OTHERS_ X ; X X X/* 11.3 */ Xraise_stmt : RAISE_ .expanded_n. ';' X ; X X/* 12.1 */ Xgen_d : gen_spec ';' X ; X Xgen_spec : gen_fml_part subprg_spec X | gen_fml_part pkg_spec X ; X X Xgen_fml_part : GENERIC_ ..gen_prm_d.. X ; X X Xgen_prm_d : idents ':' .IN.OUT.. ty_mk ._ASN_expr. ';' X | TYPE_ IDENTIFIER IS_ gen_ty_def ';' X | priv_ty_d X | WITH_ subprg_spec .IS_BOX_. ';' ; X/* | WITH_ subprg_spec .IS_ name. ';' */ X/* */ X/* This rule is included in the previous one. */ X X Xgen_ty_def : '(' BOX_ ')' X | RANGE_ BOX_ X | DIGITS_ BOX_ X | DELTA_ BOX_ X | array_ty_def X | access_ty_def X ; X X/* 12.3 */ Xgen_inst : PACKAGE_ IDENTIFIER IS_ NEW_ expanded_n .gen_act_part. ';' X | PROCEDURE__ident__IS_ NEW_ expanded_n .gen_act_part. ';' X | FUNCTION_ designator IS_ NEW_ expanded_n .gen_act_part. ';' X ; X Xgen_act_part : '(' gen_asc ...gen_asc.. ')' X ; X X Xgen_asc : .gen_fml_prmARROW.gen_act_prm X ; X Xgen_fml_prm : sim_n X | op_symbol X ; X Xgen_act_prm : expr_or_name_or_subprg_n_or_ent_n_or_ty_mk X ; X X/* 13.1 */ X Xrep_cl : ty_rep_cl X | address_cl X ; X Xty_rep_cl : length_cl X | enum_rep_cl X | rec_rep_cl X ; X X/* 13.2 */ Xlength_cl : FOR_ attribute USE_ sim_expr ';' X ; X X/* 13.3 */ Xenum_rep_cl : FOR__ty_sim_n__USE_ aggr ';' X ; X X/* 13.4 */ Xrec_rep_cl : FOR__ty_sim_n__USE_ RECORD_ .algt_cl. X ..cmpon_cl.. END_ RECORD_ ';' X ; X Xalgt_cl : AT_ MOD_ sim_expr ';' X ; X Xcmpon_cl : name AT_ sim_expr RANGE_ rng ';' X ; X X/* 13.5 */ Xaddress_cl : FOR_ sim_n USE_ AT_ sim_expr ';' X ; X X/* 13.8 */ X Xcode_stmt : ty_mk_rec_aggr ';' X ; X X X/*----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ X X/* The following rules define semantically qualified symbols under more X/* general categories. X Xty_n_or_subty_n : expanded_n X ; X X/* An "expanded_n" is used for names that can be written using only*/ X/* selectors. */ X X/* ... these have been replaced logically to reduce the number */ X/* of YACC_ nonterminal "rules" */ X X/* The following rules expand the concatenated constructs and define the */ X/* specially added syntactical classes. */ X X X/* 2.1 */ X X X..prag.. : /* empty */ X | ..prag.. prag X ; X X.arg_ascs : /* empty */ X | '(' arg_ascs ')' X ; X Xarg_ascs : arg_asc X | arg_ascs ',' arg_asc X ; X X X/* "name" is included under "expr" */ X/* 3.1 */ X/* "defer_const_d" is included under "object_d".*/ X X._ASN_expr. : /* empty */ X | ASSIGN_ expr X ; X X...ident.. : /* empty */ X | ...ident.. ',' IDENTIFIER X ; X X.constrt. : /* empty */ X | constrt X ; X X/* "idx_c" and "discr_c" are included under */ X/* the class "aggr". */ X Xexpanded_n : IDENTIFIER X | expanded_n '.' IDENTIFIER X ; X X/* This expansion generalizes "rng" so that it may include ty and */ X/* subty names. */ X X...enum_lit_spec.. : /* empty */ X | ...enum_lit_spec.. ',' enum_lit_spec X ; X X.rng_c. : /* empty */ X | rng_c X ; X X...idx_subty_def.. : /* empty */ X | ...idx_subty_def.. ',' idx_subty_def X ; X X X/* To avoid conflicts, the more general class "name" is used. */ X...dscr_rng.. : /* empty */ X | ...dscr_rng.. ',' dscr_rng X ; X X/* A_ dscr subty ind given as a ty mk is included under rng*/ X..cmpon_d.. : /* empty */ X | ..cmpon_d.. cmpon_d ..prag.. X ; X X...discr_spec.. : /* empty */ X | ...discr_spec.. ';' discr_spec X ; X X/* Pragmas that can appear between two consecutive variants are picked */ X/* up in the cmpons part of the variants themselves. */ X X..variant.. : /* empty */ X | ..variant.. variant X ; X X..or_choice.. : /* empty */ X | ..or_choice.. '|' choice X ; X X/* The "sim_expr" by itself may be a "dscr_rng" or a */ X/* "cmpon_sim_n". */ X X/* A_ body is the only later_decl_item that is not also a */ X/* basic_decl_item. It is therefore used as the dividing */ X/* point between the two lists of decl items. */ X X..basic_decl_item.. : ..prag.. X | ..basic_decl_item.. basic_decl_item ..prag.. X ; X X..later_decl_item.. : ..prag.. X | ..later_decl_item.. later_decl_item ..prag.. X ; X X/* 4.1 */ X/* "slice" is included under "idxed_cmpon". */ X/* The def of "name" includes "func_call". */ X/* A_ prmless func call is recognized as a sim name or a */ X/* selected cmpon. A_ func call with prms is recognized */ X/* as an idxed cmpon. */ X X/* Reserved word attribute designators are included in the rules as a */ X/* convenience. Alternativly, since an attribute designator is always preced*/ X/* by an apostrophe, as noted in the RR_ 4.1.4, such usage may be detected */ X/* during lexical analysis thus obviating the need for special rules. */ X/* */ X/* The univ static expr of an attribute designator is reduced */ X/* as an "idxed_cmpon". */ X X...cmpon_asc.. : /* empty */ X | ...cmpon_asc.. ',' cmpon_asc X ; X X/* Component ascs are generalized to include dscr rngs. */ X/* Thus, an "aggr" can be used for slices and idx and discr */ X/* constrts. */ X Xrel..AND__rel.. : rel AND_ rel X |rel..AND__rel.. AND_ rel X ; X Xrel..OR__rel.. : rel OR_ rel X | rel..OR__rel.. OR_ rel X ; X Xrel..XOR__rel.. : rel X | ..XOR__rel.. X ; X X..XOR__rel.. : rel XOR_ rel X | ..XOR__rel.. XOR_ rel X ; X Xrel..AND__THEN__rel.. : rel AND_ THEN_ rel X | rel..AND__THEN__rel.. AND_ THEN_ rel X ; X Xrel..OR__ELSE__rel.. : rel OR_ ELSE_ rel X | rel..OR__ELSE__rel.. OR_ ELSE_ rel X ; X X.relal_op__sim_expr. : /* empty */ X | relal_op sim_expr X ; X Xsim_expr.NOT.IN__rng_or_sim_expr.NOT.IN__ty_mk : sim_expr .NOT. IN_ rng X ; X X/* The "ty_mk" is included under "rng" */ X X.NOT. : X /* empty */ X| NOT_ ; X X.unary_add_op.term..binary_add_op__term.. : term X | unary_add_op term X | .unary_add_op.term..binary_add_op__term.. binary_add_op term X ; X Xfactor..mult_op__factor.. : factor X | factor..mult_op__factor.. mult_op factor X ; X X._EXP___pri. : /* empty */ X | EXP_ pri X ; X X/* "stringsit" is included under "name" as "op_symbol". */ X/* "func_call" is included under "name". */ X/* "ty_cnvr" is included under "name". */ X Xty_mkaggr_or_ty_mkPexprP_ : prefix '\'' aggr X ; X X/* The "prefix must be a "ty_mk". The "PexprP_" is an "aggr". */ X/* Here the "qualified_expr" can be given exactly */ X/* We use the fact that the constrt must be an idx or discr */ X/* constrt. */ X X/* 5.1 */ X X X..stmt.. : ..prag.. X | ..stmt.. stmt ..prag.. X ; X X..label.. : /* empty */ X | ..label.. label X ; X X..ELSIF__cond__THEN__seq_of_stmts.. : /* empty */ X | ..ELSIF__cond__THEN__seq_of_stmts.. ELSIF_ cond THEN_ X seq_of_stmts X ; X X.ELSE__seq_of_stmts. : /* empty */ X | ELSE_ seq_of_stmts X ; X Xcase_stmt_alt..case_stmt_alt.. : ..prag.. case_stmt_alt ..case_stmt_alt.. X ; X X..case_stmt_alt.. : /* empty */ X | ..case_stmt_alt.. case_stmt_alt X ; X X.sim_nC. : /* empty */ X | sim_n ':' X ; X X.sim_n. : /* empty */ X | sim_n X ; X X.iteration_scheme. : /* empty */ X | iteration_scheme X ; X X.REVERSE. : /* empty */ X | REVERSE_ X ; X X.DECLARE__decl_part. : /* empty */ X | DECLARE_ decl_part X ; X X.EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... : /* empty */ X | EXCEPTION_ ..prag.. excptn_handlers X ; X Xexcptn_handlers : excptn_handler X | excptn_handlers excptn_handler X ; X X.expanded_n. : /* empty */ X | expanded_n X ; X X.WHEN__cond. : /* empty */ X | WHEN_ cond X ; X X.expr. : /* empty */ X | expr X ; X X/* 6.1 */ X X.fml_part. : /* empty */ X | fml_part X ; X X.._.prm_spec.. : /* empty */ X | .._.prm_spec.. ';' prm_spec X ; X X.IN. : /* empty */ X | IN_ X ; X X.decl_part. : decl_part X ; X/* A_ "decl_part" may be empty. */ X X.designator. : /* empty */ X | designator X ; X X/* 7.1 */ X X.PRIVATE..basic_decl_item... : /* empty */ X | PRIVATE_ ..basic_decl_item.. X ; X X.BEGIN__seq_of_stmts.EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... : /* empty */ X | BEGIN_ seq_of_stmts X .EXCEPTION__excptn_handler..excptn_handler... X ; X X.LIMITED. : /* empty */ X | LIMITED_ X ; X X...expanded_n.. : /* empty */ X | ...expanded_n.. ',' expanded_n X ; X X/* 9.1 */ X X.TYPE. : /* empty */ X | TYPE_ X ; X X.IS..ent_d_..rep_cl_END.sim_n. : /* empty */ X | IS_ ..ent_d.. ..rep_cl.. END_ .sim_n. X ; X X X..ent_d.. : ..prag.. X | ..ent_d.. ent_d ..prag.. X ; X X..rep_cl.. : /* empty */ X | ..rep_cl.. rep_cl ..prag.. X ; X X.Pent_idx_P..fml_part. : .fml_part. X | '(' ent_idx ')' .fml_part. X ; X X.DO__seq_of_stmts__END.sim_n.. : /* empty */ X | DO_ seq_of_stmts END_ .sim_n. X ; X X..OR__select_alt.. : /* empty */ X | ..OR__select_alt.. OR_ select_alt X ; X X.WHEN__condARROW.selec_wait_alt : selec_wait_alt X | WHEN_ cond ARROW_ selec_wait_alt X ; X Xaccept_stmt.seq_of_stmts. : ..prag.. accept_stmt .seq_of_stmts. X ; X Xdelay_stmt.seq_of_stmts. : ..prag.. delay_stmt .seq_of_stmts. X ; X XTERM_stmt : ..prag.. TERMINATE_ ';' ..prag.. X ; X X.seq_of_stmts. : ..prag.. X | seq_of_stmts X ; X : /* empty */ X | ',' name X ; X X/* 10.1 */ X X..compilation_unit.. : ..prag.. X | ..compilation_unit.. compilation_unit ..prag.. X ; X Xpkg_body_or_subprg_body : pkg_body X ; X X/* "subprg_body" is already contained in the class "library_unit". */ X X..with_cl..use_cl.... : /* empty */ X | ..with_cl..use_cl.... with_cl use_cls X ; X Xuse_cls : ..prag.. X | use_cls use_cl ..prag.. X ; X X...sim_n.. : /* empty */ X | ...sim_n.. ',' sim_n X ; X X/* 11.1 */ X X..or_excptn_choice.. : /* empty */ X | ..or_excptn_choice.. '|' excptn_choice X ; X X/* 12.1 */ X X..gen_prm_d.. : /* empty */ X | ..gen_prm_d.. gen_prm_d X ; X X.IN.OUT.. : .IN. X | IN_ OUT_ X ; X X.IS_BOX_. : /* empty */ X | IS_ name X | IS_ BOX_ X ; X XPROCEDURE__ident__IS_ : subprg_spec IS_ X ; X X/* To avoid conflicts, the more general "subprg_spec" is used. */ X.gen_act_part. : /* empty */ X | gen_act_part X ; X X...gen_asc.. : /* empty */ X | ...gen_asc.. ',' gen_asc X ; X X.gen_fml_prmARROW.gen_act_prm : gen_act_prm X | gen_fml_prm ARROW_ gen_act_prm X ; X Xexpr_or_name_or_subprg_n_or_ent_n_or_ty_mk : expr X ; X X/* The above alts are included under "expr". */ X X X/* 13.1 */ X XFOR__ty_sim_n__USE_ : FOR_ sim_n USE_ X ; X X/* The "sim_n" must be a "ty_sim_n". */ X.algt_cl. : ..prag.. X | ..prag.. algt_cl ..prag.. X ; X X..cmpon_cl.. : /* empty */ X | ..cmpon_cl.. cmpon_cl ..prag.. X ; X Xty_mk_rec_aggr : qualified_expr X ; *-*-END-of-ada.y-*-* echo x - ada.note sed 's/^X//' >ada.note <<'*-*-END-of-ada.note-*-*' XFrom umn-cs!jwabik@ub.D.UMN.EDU Fri Sep 4 08:45:16 1987 XReturn-Path: XReceived: by shamash.shamash.UUCP (3.2/SMI-3.2) X id AA01185; Fri, 4 Sep 87 08:45:13 CDT XReceived: by (5.51/4.7) X id AA10858; Fri, 4 Sep 87 08:31:29 CDT XReceived: by ub.D.UMN.EDU (5.51/9.7) X id AA14727; Fri, 4 Sep 87 08:32:45 CDT XDate: Fri, 4 Sep 87 08:32:45 CDT XFrom: umn-cs!jwabik@ub.D.UMN.EDU (Jeff Wabik) XMessage-Id: <8709041332.AA14727@ub.D.UMN.EDU> XTo: umn-cs!shamash!jwabik XStatus: R X X>From hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA Thu Sep 3 13:20:44 1987 XReceived: from (RAND-UNIX.ARPA) by ub.D.UMN.EDU with SMTP (5.51/9.7) X id AA26121; Thu, 3 Sep 87 13:20:35 CDT XReceived: by; Thu, 3 Sep 87 10:37:06 PDT XMessage-Id: <> XFrom: Herm Fischer XReply-To: hermix!fischer@rand-unix.ARPA XTo: XSubject: ada grammar XDate: Thu Sep 3 10:05:57 1987 X XJeff, X Xfollowing two messages are a shar file of the public domain version of Xthe ada grammar plus a second message which replaces the lex. X XThe version we used here gets pretty deep into the yacc/lex process, replacing Xthe lexer stack, etc. Let me know how you do with these, and if you Xneed more, we can look at the specific stuff done here... X X Herm X X X *-*-END-of-ada.note-*-* exit