From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.4 (2020-01-24) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-0.8 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,INVALID_DATE, MSGID_SHORT autolearn=no autolearn_force=no version=3.4.4 Relay-Version: version B 2.10 5/3/83; site utzoo.UUCP Posting-Version: version B 2.10.2 9/5/84; site wanginst.UUCP Path: utzoo!watmath!clyde!burl!ulysses!mhuxr!mhuxn!ihnp4!ucbvax!decvax!wanginst!goodenou From: goodenou@wanginst.UUCP (John Goodenough) Newsgroups: net.lang.ada Subject: Ada programmer errors Message-ID: <1130@wanginst.UUCP> Date: Mon, 23-Sep-85 10:06:19 EDT Article-I.D.: wanginst.1130 Posted: Mon Sep 23 10:06:19 1985 Date-Received: Wed, 25-Sep-85 03:43:27 EDT Distribution: net Organization: Wang Institute, Tyngsboro, Ma. 01879 List-Id: *** REPLACE THIS LINE WITH YOUR MESSAGE *** A while ago, I asked people to tell me about common errors made by experienced or beginning Ada programmers. I received several responses (one person sent a lot of helpful material). I've now summarized the responses and categorized them by section of the RM. The next page gives a summary of the responses by section number, with a brief topical description. More detailed information follows. I'm still interested in hearing from other people on this topic. If I get more responses, I'll periodically post updates. If you have any suggestions about format, content, etc., let me know. John B. Goodenough goodenou@wanginst (CSNET) Wang Institute of Graduate Studies decvax!wanginst!goodenou (UUCP) Tyng Road, Tyngsboro, MA 01879 Goodenough@ISI (ARPA) (At Wang Institute until 6/1/86) 617-649-9731 Common Ada Programming Errors !section 00.00 different uses of => !section 00.00 variables set but not referenced, and vice versa !section 02.03 illegal use of underscore !section 02.05 one character string literals or character literals !section 02.09 inadvertant use of reserved words !section 03.02 anonymous array types !section 03.02.02 Using non-universal constants in number decls. !section 03.03.01 types vs. subtypes; strong typing !section 03.03.01 Using base type name in type definition !section 03.05.01 'FIRST of enumeration literal has position number zero !section 03.05.05 'RANGE and 'LENGTH not defined for scalar types !section 03.05.05 VAL attribute depends on rep. clause !section 03.05.09 Failure to include range in fixed point declaration !section 03.05.09 Fixed point subtype declarations !section 03.06 No partially constrained arrays !section 03.06.02 no numeric operators for array types !section 03.07 No anonymous array types for record components !section 03.08.01 Using an incomplete type prematurely !section 04.01.03 Using Pointers and .all !section 04.01.03 Using .all to access whole records !section 04.03.02 Rules for others choice in array aggregate !section 04.03.02 Rules for using others choice !section 04.04 Can't parenthesize range !section 04.05.04 precedence of unary minus !section 06.02 Slices used as actual parameters !section 06.03 ; instead of IS in subprogram bodies !section 08.03 visibility rules for operators !section 08.03 visibility of operators !section 08.05 renaming task entries !section 08.05 ignoring constraints in renaming !section 09.04 Nested task termination and leaving block !section 09.06 delay 2.5*minutes is illegal !section 09.07.01 evaluation of guards !section 10.01.01 A with clause is not like an Include !section 10.01.01 confusion of with and use !section 10.02 Spelling SEPARATE correctly !section 11.04.02 Handling exceptions raised in declarations !section 12.01 No out mode for generic formal objects !section 12.01 no overloaded generic units !section 14.03 I/O calls in tasks !section 00.00 ER-00005 !topic different uses of => !background Basic !experience none The students with very little programming experience (usually only Basic) also report an interesting problem. They cannot seem to get the meaning of the compound delemeter arrow (=>) because it is used in so many places... case x is when 1 => ... exception when Constraint_Error => ... A : array (1 .. 10) of integer; begin A := (1 .. 3 => 2, 5 ! 7 => 3, others => 8); text_io.put (file => f, item => "hi john... are you at wang now?"); ***************** !section 00.00 ER-00007 !topic variables set but not referenced, and vice versa Here's my candidate for the most common Ada bug that compilers don't have to check for: Variables that are set but not referenced, or referenced but not set. Checking this along all possible paths is equivalent to the halting problem, but the simple case is equivalent to checking that functions have return statements somewhere in them, and would catch a very large number of bugs. ***************** !section 02.03 02.04 ER-00023 !topic illegal use of underscore Invalid Identifiers and Numeric Literals: A__B, A_, _A, 3_, 3__0, 3_.0, 3._0, etc. ***************** !section 02.05 02.06 ER-00026 !topic one character string literals or character literals procedure P is C : Character := 'z'; S : String(1..1); begin S := C; C := S; C := "z"; S := 'z'; end P; Incompatible types problem (easily corrected though). Incorrect use of quotation characters (easily corrected). ***************** !section 02.09 ER-00018 !topic inadvertant use of reserved words type Greek_Letters is (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon); type Direction is (Forward, Reverse, Up, Down); type Digits is range 0 .. 9; Thou shalt not use the reserved words in vain. ***************** !section 03.02 ER-00024 !topic anonymous array types A1, A2 : array(1 .. 10) of Boolean; . . . A1 := A2; The old anonymous array type problem. ***************** !section 03.02.02 ER-00020 !topic Using non-universal constants in number decls. Var1 : constant Integer := 3; Var2 : constant Integer := 4; Var3 : constant := Var1 + Var2; One cannot convert from a named type to a universal type (its a one-way street only). [Actually, can use Integer'Pos(Var1) + Integer'Pos(Var2). JBG] ***************** !section 03.03.01 ER-00004 !topic types vs. subtypes; strong typing !background Fortran !experience students the most common problem my students tell me about has to do with the difference between base types and subtypes. For example... function factorial (of_n : natural) return natural; type numbers is range 1 .. 10; n : numbers := 3; f : natural; begin f := factorial (n); This will not compile. They seem to think that all integer types should be subtypes of Integer and Integer should contain all possible integer values for a specific implementation. It is the people with Fortran backgrounds who really have trouble with this and strong typing in general. ***************** !section 03.03.01 ER-00016 !topic Using base type name in type definition type I is Integer range 1 .. 10; One cannot create a base type using another base type. Typically three solutions to this problem are: type I is range 1 .. 10; type I is new Integer range 1 .. 10; subtype I is Integer range 1 ..10; ***************** !section 03.05.01 ER-00030 !topic 'FIRST of enumeration literal has position number zero some_enumeration_type'POS(same_enumeration_type'FIRST) = 0 ??? Many programmers believe that this expression equals 1, most notably for CHARACTER'POS(CHARACTER'FIRST). This causes many tricky algorithmic problems which take a novice a long time to debug. ***************** !section 03.05.05 ER-00009 !topic 'RANGE and 'LENGTH not defined for scalar types It seems inconsistent that the attributes 'first, 'last, 'range, and 'length apply to arrays, but only 'first and 'last also apply to scalars. ***************** !section 03.05.05 ER-00031 !topic VAL attribute depends on rep. clause The VAL attribute does not work in logical terms. In the presence of a rep. spec., the VAL attribute will return the value specified in that rep. spec. (assuming rep specs are implemented). Note that the Barnes text has this wrong (page 266). ***************** !section 03.05.09 ER-00036 !topic Failure to include range in fixed point declaration type My_Fixed is delta 0.01; A base type of a fixed point type must state an explicit range. Note that floating point base types need not state a range. ***************** !section 03.05.09 ER-00037 !topic Fixed point subtype declarations type My_Fixed is delta 0.1 range 1.0 .. 2.0; subtype Sub_Fixed is My_Fixed delta 0.01 range 0.0 .. 3.0; type My_Float is digits 2 range 1.0 .. 2.0; subtype Sub_Float is My_Float digits 3 range 0.0 .. 3.0; The subtypes will cause CONSTRAINT_ERROR to be raised since they each specify a greater accuracy and range of values than their respective base types. ***************** !section 03.06 ER-00033 !topic No partially constrained arrays type A is array(BOOLEAN, INTEGER range <>) of CHARACTER; One cannot define an array type which has constrained and unconstrained indices mixed. ***************** !section 03.06.02 ER-00010 !topic no numeric operators for array types It seems inconsistent that the operators NOT, AND, OR, and XOR are implicitly defined on any boolean type or array of boolean types, but the implicit operators for numeric types are not defined for arrays of numeric types. ***************** !section 03.07 ER-00025 !topic No anonymous array types for record components type R is record . . . Arr : array(1 .. 10) of Boolean; end R; No anonymous array types allowed in a record type. ***************** !section 03.08.01 ER-00021 !topic Using an incomplete type prematurely type Link; type Node is record . . . Next : Link; end record; type Link is access Node; The incomplete type declaration should be used for Node, not Link. ***************** !section 04.0.03 ER-00040 !topic Using Pointers and .all Also, some programmers still haven't got the difference down between the following two if-then conditions: type Access_R is access R; A1, A2 : Access_R := . . .; if A1 = A2 then . . . end if; vs. if A1.all = A2.all then . . . end if; ***************** !section 04.01.03 ER-00039 !topic Using .all to access whole records type R is record . . . end record; . . . R1, R2 : R; . . . if R1.all = R2.all then . . . end if; The ".all" suffix applies only to access values. When dealing with record objects, simply stating the object without a selected component is equivalent to a ".all" semantics for access values. ***************** !section 04.03.02 ER-00014 !topic Rules for others choice in array aggregate Paragraph (4) of 4.3.2 states: "An others choice is only allowed if the aggregate appears in one of the following contexts ..." I tried to give a default initialization to a record component which was an array. It didn't work, so I had to provide a record assignment. Instead of: type Attribute_Type is ( .. enumeration class .. ); type Listing_Type is ( .. enumeration class .. ); type Display_Option is array( Attribute_Type ) of BOOLEAN; type Display_Record is record LISTING : Listing_Type := LIST_BY_NAME; CHOICES : Display_Option := (others => TRUE ); end record; CURRENT : Display_Record; I had to: type Display_Record is record LISTING : Listing_Type; CHOICES : Display_Option; end record; CURRENT : Display_Record := (LIST_BY_NAME, (others=>TRUE) ); This seems to be a rather arbitrary (non-mnemonic = error-prone) rule of the language. Another trivial point: for STRINGS (arrays of CHARACTER), notice the difference of use: A_SMALL_STRING : STRING(1..1) := (others => ' '); begin A_SMALL_STRING := " "; ***************** !section 04.03.02 ER-00038 !topic Rules for using others choice type My_Array is array(INTEGER range 1 .. 10) of BOOLEAN; . . . A : My_Array := (1 .. 3 => FALSE, others => TRUE); Cannot use an others clause in the presence of named notation where one or more choices represents a range of values. The tricky rules on the use of an others clause play havic with Ada programmers. Some even get so frustrated as to how/where an others clause can appear that they simply never try to use it. The rules should be made clear to these programmers (described at their own level -- they cannot understand the language of the ARM). ***************** !section 04.04 ER-00015 !topic Can't parenthesize range !background broad C : Character; . . . if C in ('A' .. 'Z') then . . . end if; One cannot parenthesize the range for a membership test. ***************** !section 04.05.04 ER-00008 !topic precedence of unary minus The low precedence of unary minus would surprise those with a math background, I would think. -11 mod 5 is interpreted as -(11 mod 5) which is -1. The other interpretation (-11) mod 5 equals 4. ***************** !section 06.02 ER-00006 !topic Slices used as actual parameters function string_eq(left, right: string) return boolean is --returns true iff the two string parameters have the same value. begin if left'length /= right'length then return false; end if; for i in left'range loop if left(i) /= right(i) then return false; end if; end loop; return true; end string_eq; The bug in this code is insidious because the routine works fine in most cases. It fails though when the right parameter is a slice such that right'first /= left'first. I think the principle of least surprise would dictate that slice parameters be normalized similar to how they are in slice assignment, although the unconstrained case doesn't apply for assignment. This bug could easily bite anyone not sufficiently immunized from previous bites. ***************** !section 06.03 ER-00001 !topic ; instead of IS in subprogram bodies !background Pascal !experience students Error: using ";" instead of "IS" after procedure headers, especially on the heading of a file. Reason for error: mostly a carry-over from Pascal and Modula-2. Source of error: personal experience learning Ada. Occurance: most likely by programmers still learning Ada. Reason this is a problem: large number of fall-out error messages as the compiler then mis-interprets the entire block structure of the file. The actual error is not even flagged. ***************** !section 08.03 ER-00013 !topic visibility rules for operators I find that scoping rules for user defined types is an error prone "concept" (as opposed to construct). As you pointed out to me once before* according to 8.3(18) an "operator is directly visible if and only if the corresponding operator declaration is directly visible." Yet, it is natural to write something like the following (especially for 1st time users): package pack1 is type int is range 1..1000; end pack1; with pack1; procedure demo is i: := 5; begin . i := i+1; -- illegal . . end demo; I realize that I could use a USE clause or RENAME the "+" operation, but I feel that not using the full name in most situtations is less readable and that both the USE clause & RENAMING are error prone (in fact 1 project here has totally disallowed both) . I would like to set up a project standard where USE clause is only used for command package that are deemed acceptable by project management (e.g., predefined packages and project global definitions). However, if I adopt such a standard I loose any benifit from defining operators and in cases such as the one above I cannot use infixed notation even for predefined operators, unless pack1 is one of my "acceptable" packages. On the other hand, If I allow the use of USE, but require that full names be used (except maybe in specific situations), than I can no longer use the compiler to enforce the full name requirement. Unfortunately, I don't see a clean solution to this problem since redefine the scope of an operator to be extended to the scope of the type(s) that it operates on (for example) would be extremely difficult to define proprely for operators that have parameters of different types. ***************** !section 08.03 ER-00022 !topic visibility of operators package P is type T is (T1, T2); end P; with P; procedure Main is V1, V2 : P.T; begin . . . if V1 = V2 then . . . end if; end Main; One must explicitly import operations from another scope. Best solution is to use a renames in the declarative region of Main: function "="(L, R : in P.T) return Boolean renames P."="; One could also use a "use clause", expanded notation on P."=", or the Pos attribute to convert V1 and V2 to universal_integers so that they could be compared for equality. All of these solutions are less than desirable. ***************** !section 08.05 ER-00017 !topic renaming task entries On trying to "hide" tasks in a package body: package P is procedure I_Am_Trying_to_be_a_Task_Entry; end P; package body P is task T is entry E; end T; task body T is begin accept E; end; procedure I_Am_Trying_to_be_a_Task_Entry renames T.E; end P; One solution to this problem (albeit not the best one) is: package P is . . . end P; package body P is . . . procedure I_Am_Trying_to_be_a_Task_Entry is begin T.E; end; end P; ***************** !section 08.05 ER-00027 !topic ignoring constraints in renaming procedure P is A : Integer; B : Positive renames A; C : Positive; D : Integer renames C; begin B := -10; D := B; end P; Obviously, the user doesn't understand that constraints implied by a type mark on a renaming are ignored and the constraints are that of the actual. Constraint_Error will be raised during the attempt to assign B to D. ***************** !section 09.04 ER-00034 !topic Nested task termination and leaving block procedure Main is task T is entry E(. . .); end T; task body T is begin loop accept E(. . .) do ... end E; end loop; end T; begin while loop . . . T.E(. . .); . . . end loop; end Main; Many programmers don't realize that task T causes termination problems. The accept statement in task T can be replaced by the following select statement to provide the desired semantics and thus eliminate the termination problems: select accept E(. . .) do . . . end E; or terminate; end select; ***************** !section 09.06 ER-00019 !topic delay 2.5*minutes is illegal Minutes : constant DURATION := 60.0; . . . delay 2.5 * Minutes; This is the old "result is universal_fixed" problem. Two solutions are: -- make "Minutes" an Integer type equal to 60 -- used explicit type conversion on the result of the delay expression ***************** !section 09.07.01 ER-00003 !topic evaluation of guards I think the area which seem to be the most error prone in Ada is the processing of guards in conditional selects. Both Ichbiah and Barnes have published programs that will not work because they assumed the guards and the entry calls are atomic or tasks don't abort. ***************** !section 10.01.01 ER-00002 !topic A with clause is not like an Include !background Pascal !experience students with text_io; use text_io; package int_io is new integer_io(integer); with int_io; use int_io; with text_io; use text_io; -- this line gets forgotten because "I defined -- it once!" procedure foo is answer: constant integer := 42; begin put (answer); put_line (" is the answer"); end; This has been made by Pascal programmers who think of the with facility as an include whose scope is the entire source file. ***************** !section 10.01.01 ER-00012 !topic confusion of with and use !background Pascal Pascal programmers confuse the effects of with and use clause ***************** !section 10.02 ER-00011 !topic Spelling SEPARATE correctly Programmers have complained about not remembering how to spell 'separate'. ***************** !section 11.04.02 ER-00035 !topic Handling exceptions raised in declarations procedure Main I : POSITIVE := 0; begin . . . exception when CONSTRAINT_ERROR => -- for I's declaration . . . end Main; The exception handler won't catch CONSTRAINT_ERROR for the elaboration of I. Exception handlers do not catch exceptions originating from a declarative region outside of their scope. ***************** !section 12.01 ER-00029 !topic No out mode for generic formal objects generic I : out INTEGER; package P is ... end P; Cannot have a mode "out" generic formal object. ***************** !section 12.01 ER-00032 !topic no overloaded generic units package P is generic with function F return INTEGER; procedure P(X : INTEGER); . . . generic with function F return INTEGER; procedure P(Y : FLOAT); . . . end P; Many programmers thought that the two generics could be overloaded properly since they thought they could be distinguished by procedure P's formal parameter list. Of course, this is not true, and the two generic are homographs. ***************** !section 14.03 ER-00028 !topic I/O calls in tasks The part of Ada that continuously gives me and others a hard time is text_io. Last Friday 3 of us wasted an hour until we concluded that text_io is a single thread package and cannot support simultaneous calls to get and put (one in each of two tasks). In the recent past I have had difficulty with while loops which look for EOF and doing a get in the loop. *****************