In the worlds of our common savior <- .oO( Yeah Right!!! ) Bill Gates...hehehe....if nobody cares, it's a bug...if everyone cares, it's a feature..;-) -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster "Nick Roberts" wrote in message news:bnmc74$137bsk$ > Robert I. Eachus wrote: > > > ... Trying to test even a small > > subset of all possible reasonable values of 'Small and fixed-point > > numbers just isn't reasonably possible without trillions of machines > > crunching for millions of years. So your compiler probably has > > millions of errors in the low order bit that are just not practical to > > find, and of no real interest to anyone anyway. > > So possibly a question we should ask is "If nobody cares, does it count as > an error (or bug)?" I admit, there might be a few Intel customers who'd > like to know the answer to that one. :-) > > > From experience with > > fixed-point, the tough cases are of the form A := Fixed(B*C); where B > > and C are of two other types than Fixed, and there is no easy > > representation of Fixed'Small/(B_type'Small * C_type'Small). > > What do you mean when you say these are tough cases? The RM95 essentially > says that the result is either of the representable values (of the type > Fixed here) which bound the precise result. > > > In practice those cases are of little or no interest to anyone. If your > > compiler correctly implements A := A * I; where I is an Integer, or A := > > B + C; where all three are of the same fixed-point type, then I and most > > other fixed-point users won't care about those painful cases. Other > > than, of course, to note that they exist so that we can avoid them. > > But why are the cases you refer to painful? Do they really need to be avoided? > > I can certainly see that if a calculation causes a missile to hit someone's > house (instead of the next door embassy), it might be quite painful for the > occupants of the house. Are you saying that these cases are capable of > being sources of nasty accidents, or are you saying that they are merely an > academic curiosity, of no possible practical consequence? (And I realise > this may be a slightly unfair question.) > > > If you do use the three type multiplication operator, you should check > > whether it is an easy or hard case, and avoid the hard cases. (Any > > conversion where the target type is the same as one of the multiplicand > > types counts as easy, since it can be done with a single division.) > > Would you please provide an example, to illustrate this point. > > > I'm not trying to scare anyone here. In fact one of the differences > > between Ada 83 and Ada 95 is that the error bounds on the hard cases > > were changed to make them easier to implement. The hard cases do come > > up, and for example, one of the harder parts of the Euro conversion was > > to specify rules and error bounds for some of these three type > > conversions. (Say from Marks to Kronar, using today's market rates for > > Marks to Euros and Euros to Kronar.) > > I seem to dimly recall you mentioning this before, Robert. Was it in > comp.lang.ada? I would like to review it on Google, if possible. > > -- > Nick Roberts >