Kazimir Majorinc a �crit dans l'article <58b9jt$jhh@bagan.srce.hr>... > Hello! > 2. Encapsulation, I mean that both data and functions are together in > object seems to me like very unnatural shape today. Look at > mathemathics. Mathematical language do not use that paradigm, although > things which are described there are more complex than any software. that's because what you can with types in mathematics is not a finite state. What you can do with objects (classes) is supposed to be known and finite. > ... If I overload operators, for > example + in C++, I have disgusting when I use object model, and I have > to prefer first element, when there is absolutely no reasons for that. That's why we should use friend functions... > 3. Polymorphism. The greatest part of OO. I understand wish, but look at > C++. Why if I want to do this things, I have to do it implicitely. I > mean why functions which overload each other should have same name? It > is better to do it explicitely, to say which function is overload of > which. Now things could be simpler. I do not know how to do it in > procedural paradigm, but I believe that it is somehow possible. Because at an abstract level, you may want different (derived) objects do a certain stuff without caring with how it will be performed (like a base or overloaded way). > 6. Messages. I do not know a lot of this, but Idea that object change > himself alone remembers me at the days of programming on TI57, or in > assembler, when every instruction is on so called accumulator. OO wants > accumulator back. ??? -- Chris, drunk philosoph and bad programmer "The nail pulling up calls the hammer" zen proverb