ORA Canada �ORA Canada home page �EVES home page �How to contact ORA Canada What's New at ORA Canada ORA Canada is now offering an introductory course to Z/EVES. This course introduces participants to the formal specification language Z and ORA Canada's Z analysis tool, Z/EVES. Z is arguably the most widely disseminated of the formal specification languages and is being used in both industrial and academic contexts. Z/EVES provides a set of unique capabilities for analyzing Z specifications, including well-formedness checking, schema expansion, domain checking, and a powerful automated deduction capability for proving conjectures. ORA Canada will be attending the Ninth International Software Quality Week '96, May 21-24, 1996, in San Francisco, California. Dan Craigen and Ted Ralston (now of Blackwatch) will be presenting a tutorial entitled "An Overview of Formal Methods." As well, Dan Craigen and Prof. Leon Osterweil (of the University of Massachusetts Amherst) will be presenting a mini-tutorial entitled "A History of Software Testing and Verification." We will also have representatives at the International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies (Ada-Europe '96), June 10-14, 1996, in Montreux, Switzerland. Dan Craigen, Steve Michell (of Maurya Software), and Mark Saaltink will be presenting "Ada 95 and Critical Systems: An Analytical Approach." Our draft Ada 95 framework document, in ASCII text, is available for comment and discussion. Email can be sent to ada95@ora.on.ca. Please visit our Ada 95 and Trustworthy System Page for further information. As EVES and Z/EVES both run on PCs (and, in particular, on our 486 notebook), ORA Canada personnel can demonstrate the systems to you at conferences. Please contact ORA Canada if you would like arrange a demonstration or if you would like to know which conferences we will be attending in the near future. We have completed the Proof Checking, Browsing and Logging project for the EVES verification system. During this project, we completed the EVES mathematics; developed a prototype stand-alone proof checker; and developed a prototype proof browsing capability. A prototype proof checking facility comes with the current EVES release. By mid-1996 we will be releasing a version of our integrated Z/EVES tool. See the Z-EVES Welcome Page for further information. Please contact ORA Canada if you would like to be informed when Z/EVES becomes available. ORA Canada is working on a number of new projects. Summaries of these projects (along with selected completed projects) can be found on our Projects Web Page. Our Reference Manual for the Language Verdi is now available at this site in html. Comments to webmaster@ora.on.ca All contents copyright (c) 1996. ORA Canada. All rights reserved. URL: http://www.ora.on.ca/new.html Revised: March 21, 1996