"Georg Bauhaus" a �crit dans le message news: 9jrdl3$mh2$1@a1-hrz.uni-duisburg.de... > Nicolas, there are many ifs and there is, if I may say so, > bold company prophecy of vague kind in what you write. I usually hear 2 kind of reaction about Ada from 99.9% of people involved in software development. 1/ Ada ? what is it ? How, that's a language. Never heard about it ... 2/ Ada ? I heard about it a few years ago, this language looked really great ! Does it still exist ? Current use of Ada language in software develoment is everything but 'ifs' I don't know if the way Ada is promoted is a good one. But I know the current situation. What percentage of Free Software is develop in Ada ? Very few people use Ada. They are usually convincing one another among already convinced people. The rest of the world is usually considered as stupid enough not to use Ada I don't think it's a very efficient promotion. I imagine a car vendor telling you : Here is your car ! Of course there are no seats ... stupid you are ... There are plenty of seat vendors. Find and chose it yourself. Lights ? Are you sure you really need to use it at night ... ? That's not safe ... Anyway I guess some people must provide lights somewhere ...