We never tried it, since we have our own product evolving for our needs. I think that to be successfull, a Ada GUI product should 1/ be a standard product packaged with main Ada compilers swing for Java is a good example 2/ be absolutely compatible and familiar to developpers with widely used products for popular languages. Especially for Windows and Linux developpers. We have Java applications, for which the portability is even better than Ada applications. We don't even have to recompile for different platforms. "Beard, Frank" a �crit dans le message news: mailman.995648003.8404.comp.lang.ada@ada.eu.org... I know you can't really go by what a vendor says, but if it's half as good as they claim, why don't they advertise it more, or at least speak up on this list. Has anyone used this product? Does it run on Linux? Frank